
目前顯示的是 12月 23, 2018的文章

Empress dowager

For the 1975 Hong Kong film, see The Empress Dowager. Imperial, royal, noble and chivalric ranks Emperor / Empress King / Queen Archduke / Archduchess Grand Prince / Grand Princess Grand Duke / Grand Duchess Prince / Princess / Infante / Infanta / Królewicz / królewna Duke / Duchess Sovereign Prince / Sovereign Princess / Fürst / Fürstin Marquess / Marquis / Marchioness / Margrave / Landgrave / Count Palatine Count / Countess / Earl Burgrave / Châtelain / Castellan Viscount / Viscountess / Vidame Baron / Baroness Baronet / Baronetess Hereditary Knight / Lady / Ritter / Ridder Knight / Dame Chevalier Esquire / Laird / Edler / Jonkheer / Junker Gentleman / Younger / Maid v t e Empress dowager (also dowager empress or empress mother ) (Chinese and Japanese: 皇太后; pinyin: húangtàihòu ; rōmaji: Kōtaigō ; Korean: 황태후 ; romaja: Hwang Tae Hu ; Vietnamese: Hoàng Thái Hậu ; hiragana: こうたいごう) is the English l

ionic/angular pwa doesn't bootstrap when launched from home screen

1 I followed these guides to add pwa support and host my ionic v4 app: https://www.joshmorony.com/create-a-pwa-with-angular-service-workers-in-ionic-4/ https://www.joshmorony.com/hosting-an-ionic-pwa-with-firebase-hosting/ The app loads fine in Safari, and I can also add the app to my home screen (ios). However, from the home screen, the app does not bootstrap when launched. If I go to Safari DevTools and reload the page after launch, the app is just fine. I'm also not exactly clear on the minimum requirements for a pwa . My app loads the google maps javascript api on launch, so it doesn't really work without a network connection. I'm not sure if that is part of the problem or not. ionic info Ionic: ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.3.1 (/Users/m/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules