How to find error in parameters for a (chi-squared) curve fit to the 5th order?
Making my question a bit clearer:
I have determined a minimised chi-squared value, let's call it def chisq(), for some data given a fit involving 5 parameters: a,b,c,d and e.
I would like to know of a function, or a way, where I can minimise my chi-squared function keeping 1 parameter constant whilst varying the others so as to tend to a minimum value... AND
A way in which I can keep 4 of the 5 parameters constant whilst minimising to a specified value (the value will be chisq() + 1, so as to tend to the extreme of a chi squared contour plot, but that's just some added context).
So I'm stuck... Anyway, I hope that's more coherent than my last attempt
Update: This is where I'm at now. I borrowed the main code from another page and I'm trying to adapt it to my needs. And I never intended of doing confidence area plots but they look very nice.
However, I'm getting the error message " 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable ". I've looked into this and I think it's something to do with me referncing an array as though it were a function. This leads me to the minimiser / mini section, which I think is where the problem lies.
So any help on how I can correct and adapt this code would be much appreciated.
Thank you so far @mikuszefski
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lmfit
# Data
xval1 = np.array([0.11914471, 0.230193321, 0.346926427, 0.460501481, 0.575512013, 0.689201904, 0.804958885, 0.918017166, 1.034635434, 1.149990481, 1.266264234])
xval2 = np.array([0.116503429, 0.230078483, 0.348247067, 0.461420187, 0.577751359, 0.690120611, 0.80398276, 0.918878453, 1.033716728, 1.150794349, 1.266149395])
xval3 = np.array([0.115240208, 0.230710093, 0.346007721, 0.458032458, 0.576028785, 0.692359957, 0.80725565, 0.920888123, 1.035037368, 1.147521458, 1.267871969])
xval_av = (xval1 + xval2 + xval3 )/3
yval1 = np.array([2173.446136, 2400.969972, 2547.130603, 2658.022565, 2723.098769, 2760.481961, 2761.881166, 2734.638209, 2671.839502, 2559.251885, 2313.774753])
yval2 = np.array([2185.207051, 2441.547714, 2587.120886, 2701.697704, 2765.897692, 2792.190609, 2793.030024, 2761.191402, 2697.078931, 2583.572776, 2329.860358])
yval3 = np.array([2178.269249, 2438.81575, 2601.305985, 2704.228832, 2765.493933, 2802.801105, 2796.873214, 2760.426641, 2690.92674, 2575.961498, 2330.099396])
yval_av = (yval1 + yval2 + yval3 )/3
yerr1 = np.array([28.0041333, 17.22884875, 11.77504404, 12.0784658, 11.43116392, 10.17734322, 9.839420192, 7.879393332, 8.586145049, 8.129879332, 6.543378761])
yerr2 = np.array([28.84371257, 22.30391049, 16.3503791, 12.32503283, 10.6931908, 8.909895306, 9.310031644, 9.619524491, 7.725528299, 6.64584248, 5.483917187])
yerr3 = np.array([25.22103486, 17.58553765, 16.56186149, 14.93545788, 9.884470694, 11.15591573, 8.696907113, 9.602409632, 8.156617355, 6.966615987, 5.706426531])
yerr_av = (yerr1 + yerr2 + yerr3 )/3
# Parameters
a_original = 1772.73301389
b_original = 4137.16888269
c_original = -6903.58620042
d_original = 5845.15206084
x = xval_av
y = yval_av
p = lmfit.Parameters()
p.add_many(('a', a_original), ('b', b_original), ('c', c_original), ('d', d_original))
def residual(x,y,p):
return p['a'] + p['b']*x + p['c']*x**2 + p['d']*x**3 - y
# Minimiser
mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual(x,y,p), p, nan_policy='omit')
# Nelder-Mead
out1 = mini.minimize(method='Nelder')
# Levenberg-Marquardt
# Nelder-Mead as initial guess
out2 = mini.minimize(method='leastsq', params=out1.params)
lmfit.report_fit(out2.params, min_correl=0.5)
ci, trace = lmfit.conf_interval(mini, out2, sigmas=[1, 2],
trace=True, verbose=False)
plot_type = 2
if plot_type == 0:
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, residual(out2.params) + y)
elif plot_type == 1:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'b', 'd' )
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 2:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'a', 'd', 30, 30)
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 3:
cx1, cy1, prob = trace['a']['a'], trace['a']['d'], trace['a']['prob']
cx2, cy2, prob2 = trace['d']['d'], trace['d']['a'], trace['d']['prob']
plt.scatter(cx1, cy1, c=prob, s=30)
plt.scatter(cx2, cy2, c=prob2, s=30)
plt.gca().set_xlim((2.5, 3.5))
plt.gca().set_ylim((11, 13))
if plot_type > 0:
python parameters curve-fitting chi-squared
show 4 more comments
Making my question a bit clearer:
I have determined a minimised chi-squared value, let's call it def chisq(), for some data given a fit involving 5 parameters: a,b,c,d and e.
I would like to know of a function, or a way, where I can minimise my chi-squared function keeping 1 parameter constant whilst varying the others so as to tend to a minimum value... AND
A way in which I can keep 4 of the 5 parameters constant whilst minimising to a specified value (the value will be chisq() + 1, so as to tend to the extreme of a chi squared contour plot, but that's just some added context).
So I'm stuck... Anyway, I hope that's more coherent than my last attempt
Update: This is where I'm at now. I borrowed the main code from another page and I'm trying to adapt it to my needs. And I never intended of doing confidence area plots but they look very nice.
However, I'm getting the error message " 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable ". I've looked into this and I think it's something to do with me referncing an array as though it were a function. This leads me to the minimiser / mini section, which I think is where the problem lies.
So any help on how I can correct and adapt this code would be much appreciated.
Thank you so far @mikuszefski
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lmfit
# Data
xval1 = np.array([0.11914471, 0.230193321, 0.346926427, 0.460501481, 0.575512013, 0.689201904, 0.804958885, 0.918017166, 1.034635434, 1.149990481, 1.266264234])
xval2 = np.array([0.116503429, 0.230078483, 0.348247067, 0.461420187, 0.577751359, 0.690120611, 0.80398276, 0.918878453, 1.033716728, 1.150794349, 1.266149395])
xval3 = np.array([0.115240208, 0.230710093, 0.346007721, 0.458032458, 0.576028785, 0.692359957, 0.80725565, 0.920888123, 1.035037368, 1.147521458, 1.267871969])
xval_av = (xval1 + xval2 + xval3 )/3
yval1 = np.array([2173.446136, 2400.969972, 2547.130603, 2658.022565, 2723.098769, 2760.481961, 2761.881166, 2734.638209, 2671.839502, 2559.251885, 2313.774753])
yval2 = np.array([2185.207051, 2441.547714, 2587.120886, 2701.697704, 2765.897692, 2792.190609, 2793.030024, 2761.191402, 2697.078931, 2583.572776, 2329.860358])
yval3 = np.array([2178.269249, 2438.81575, 2601.305985, 2704.228832, 2765.493933, 2802.801105, 2796.873214, 2760.426641, 2690.92674, 2575.961498, 2330.099396])
yval_av = (yval1 + yval2 + yval3 )/3
yerr1 = np.array([28.0041333, 17.22884875, 11.77504404, 12.0784658, 11.43116392, 10.17734322, 9.839420192, 7.879393332, 8.586145049, 8.129879332, 6.543378761])
yerr2 = np.array([28.84371257, 22.30391049, 16.3503791, 12.32503283, 10.6931908, 8.909895306, 9.310031644, 9.619524491, 7.725528299, 6.64584248, 5.483917187])
yerr3 = np.array([25.22103486, 17.58553765, 16.56186149, 14.93545788, 9.884470694, 11.15591573, 8.696907113, 9.602409632, 8.156617355, 6.966615987, 5.706426531])
yerr_av = (yerr1 + yerr2 + yerr3 )/3
# Parameters
a_original = 1772.73301389
b_original = 4137.16888269
c_original = -6903.58620042
d_original = 5845.15206084
x = xval_av
y = yval_av
p = lmfit.Parameters()
p.add_many(('a', a_original), ('b', b_original), ('c', c_original), ('d', d_original))
def residual(x,y,p):
return p['a'] + p['b']*x + p['c']*x**2 + p['d']*x**3 - y
# Minimiser
mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual(x,y,p), p, nan_policy='omit')
# Nelder-Mead
out1 = mini.minimize(method='Nelder')
# Levenberg-Marquardt
# Nelder-Mead as initial guess
out2 = mini.minimize(method='leastsq', params=out1.params)
lmfit.report_fit(out2.params, min_correl=0.5)
ci, trace = lmfit.conf_interval(mini, out2, sigmas=[1, 2],
trace=True, verbose=False)
plot_type = 2
if plot_type == 0:
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, residual(out2.params) + y)
elif plot_type == 1:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'b', 'd' )
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 2:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'a', 'd', 30, 30)
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 3:
cx1, cy1, prob = trace['a']['a'], trace['a']['d'], trace['a']['prob']
cx2, cy2, prob2 = trace['d']['d'], trace['d']['a'], trace['d']['prob']
plt.scatter(cx1, cy1, c=prob, s=30)
plt.scatter(cx2, cy2, c=prob2, s=30)
plt.gca().set_xlim((2.5, 3.5))
plt.gca().set_ylim((11, 13))
if plot_type > 0:
python parameters curve-fitting chi-squared
Please post the error messages you are getting.
– berkelem
Nov 19 '18 at 15:16
This is the thing, it's not the errors that I'm concerned about, I can troubleshoot where I've mucked up array indexing and such on my own. I just don't know how I can say... minimise my chi squared function to a value of ( chi_min + 1 ) by varying only one of the parameters/arguments (this will be the one I''m trying to find the error on), then minimise chi completely by varying all the other parameters whilst keeping the previous one constant. So an iterative process where I can find the edge of a Chi + 1 contour and relate this back to my original chi, to find the error on that parameter...
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:46
So I had a look at minimise_scalar (lambda) or optimise_scalar (lambda,), something like that but it seems that I could only vary one of my parameters. I really just have no idea what functions to use or how I could set it up or if there's an easier way using bootstrap or curve optimisation functions... I'm just completely stuck on how I'd get started on such a function
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:50
Does this question help?…
– berkelem
Nov 20 '18 at 12:25
Can you rephrase your post such that is clear what you actually want? What do you mean bychi_min + 1
? Is it clear that if only parameter, e.g.,a
is optimized you can actually get down to that value?
– mikuszefski
Nov 22 '18 at 13:16
show 4 more comments
Making my question a bit clearer:
I have determined a minimised chi-squared value, let's call it def chisq(), for some data given a fit involving 5 parameters: a,b,c,d and e.
I would like to know of a function, or a way, where I can minimise my chi-squared function keeping 1 parameter constant whilst varying the others so as to tend to a minimum value... AND
A way in which I can keep 4 of the 5 parameters constant whilst minimising to a specified value (the value will be chisq() + 1, so as to tend to the extreme of a chi squared contour plot, but that's just some added context).
So I'm stuck... Anyway, I hope that's more coherent than my last attempt
Update: This is where I'm at now. I borrowed the main code from another page and I'm trying to adapt it to my needs. And I never intended of doing confidence area plots but they look very nice.
However, I'm getting the error message " 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable ". I've looked into this and I think it's something to do with me referncing an array as though it were a function. This leads me to the minimiser / mini section, which I think is where the problem lies.
So any help on how I can correct and adapt this code would be much appreciated.
Thank you so far @mikuszefski
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lmfit
# Data
xval1 = np.array([0.11914471, 0.230193321, 0.346926427, 0.460501481, 0.575512013, 0.689201904, 0.804958885, 0.918017166, 1.034635434, 1.149990481, 1.266264234])
xval2 = np.array([0.116503429, 0.230078483, 0.348247067, 0.461420187, 0.577751359, 0.690120611, 0.80398276, 0.918878453, 1.033716728, 1.150794349, 1.266149395])
xval3 = np.array([0.115240208, 0.230710093, 0.346007721, 0.458032458, 0.576028785, 0.692359957, 0.80725565, 0.920888123, 1.035037368, 1.147521458, 1.267871969])
xval_av = (xval1 + xval2 + xval3 )/3
yval1 = np.array([2173.446136, 2400.969972, 2547.130603, 2658.022565, 2723.098769, 2760.481961, 2761.881166, 2734.638209, 2671.839502, 2559.251885, 2313.774753])
yval2 = np.array([2185.207051, 2441.547714, 2587.120886, 2701.697704, 2765.897692, 2792.190609, 2793.030024, 2761.191402, 2697.078931, 2583.572776, 2329.860358])
yval3 = np.array([2178.269249, 2438.81575, 2601.305985, 2704.228832, 2765.493933, 2802.801105, 2796.873214, 2760.426641, 2690.92674, 2575.961498, 2330.099396])
yval_av = (yval1 + yval2 + yval3 )/3
yerr1 = np.array([28.0041333, 17.22884875, 11.77504404, 12.0784658, 11.43116392, 10.17734322, 9.839420192, 7.879393332, 8.586145049, 8.129879332, 6.543378761])
yerr2 = np.array([28.84371257, 22.30391049, 16.3503791, 12.32503283, 10.6931908, 8.909895306, 9.310031644, 9.619524491, 7.725528299, 6.64584248, 5.483917187])
yerr3 = np.array([25.22103486, 17.58553765, 16.56186149, 14.93545788, 9.884470694, 11.15591573, 8.696907113, 9.602409632, 8.156617355, 6.966615987, 5.706426531])
yerr_av = (yerr1 + yerr2 + yerr3 )/3
# Parameters
a_original = 1772.73301389
b_original = 4137.16888269
c_original = -6903.58620042
d_original = 5845.15206084
x = xval_av
y = yval_av
p = lmfit.Parameters()
p.add_many(('a', a_original), ('b', b_original), ('c', c_original), ('d', d_original))
def residual(x,y,p):
return p['a'] + p['b']*x + p['c']*x**2 + p['d']*x**3 - y
# Minimiser
mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual(x,y,p), p, nan_policy='omit')
# Nelder-Mead
out1 = mini.minimize(method='Nelder')
# Levenberg-Marquardt
# Nelder-Mead as initial guess
out2 = mini.minimize(method='leastsq', params=out1.params)
lmfit.report_fit(out2.params, min_correl=0.5)
ci, trace = lmfit.conf_interval(mini, out2, sigmas=[1, 2],
trace=True, verbose=False)
plot_type = 2
if plot_type == 0:
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, residual(out2.params) + y)
elif plot_type == 1:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'b', 'd' )
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 2:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'a', 'd', 30, 30)
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 3:
cx1, cy1, prob = trace['a']['a'], trace['a']['d'], trace['a']['prob']
cx2, cy2, prob2 = trace['d']['d'], trace['d']['a'], trace['d']['prob']
plt.scatter(cx1, cy1, c=prob, s=30)
plt.scatter(cx2, cy2, c=prob2, s=30)
plt.gca().set_xlim((2.5, 3.5))
plt.gca().set_ylim((11, 13))
if plot_type > 0:
python parameters curve-fitting chi-squared
Making my question a bit clearer:
I have determined a minimised chi-squared value, let's call it def chisq(), for some data given a fit involving 5 parameters: a,b,c,d and e.
I would like to know of a function, or a way, where I can minimise my chi-squared function keeping 1 parameter constant whilst varying the others so as to tend to a minimum value... AND
A way in which I can keep 4 of the 5 parameters constant whilst minimising to a specified value (the value will be chisq() + 1, so as to tend to the extreme of a chi squared contour plot, but that's just some added context).
So I'm stuck... Anyway, I hope that's more coherent than my last attempt
Update: This is where I'm at now. I borrowed the main code from another page and I'm trying to adapt it to my needs. And I never intended of doing confidence area plots but they look very nice.
However, I'm getting the error message " 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable ". I've looked into this and I think it's something to do with me referncing an array as though it were a function. This leads me to the minimiser / mini section, which I think is where the problem lies.
So any help on how I can correct and adapt this code would be much appreciated.
Thank you so far @mikuszefski
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lmfit
# Data
xval1 = np.array([0.11914471, 0.230193321, 0.346926427, 0.460501481, 0.575512013, 0.689201904, 0.804958885, 0.918017166, 1.034635434, 1.149990481, 1.266264234])
xval2 = np.array([0.116503429, 0.230078483, 0.348247067, 0.461420187, 0.577751359, 0.690120611, 0.80398276, 0.918878453, 1.033716728, 1.150794349, 1.266149395])
xval3 = np.array([0.115240208, 0.230710093, 0.346007721, 0.458032458, 0.576028785, 0.692359957, 0.80725565, 0.920888123, 1.035037368, 1.147521458, 1.267871969])
xval_av = (xval1 + xval2 + xval3 )/3
yval1 = np.array([2173.446136, 2400.969972, 2547.130603, 2658.022565, 2723.098769, 2760.481961, 2761.881166, 2734.638209, 2671.839502, 2559.251885, 2313.774753])
yval2 = np.array([2185.207051, 2441.547714, 2587.120886, 2701.697704, 2765.897692, 2792.190609, 2793.030024, 2761.191402, 2697.078931, 2583.572776, 2329.860358])
yval3 = np.array([2178.269249, 2438.81575, 2601.305985, 2704.228832, 2765.493933, 2802.801105, 2796.873214, 2760.426641, 2690.92674, 2575.961498, 2330.099396])
yval_av = (yval1 + yval2 + yval3 )/3
yerr1 = np.array([28.0041333, 17.22884875, 11.77504404, 12.0784658, 11.43116392, 10.17734322, 9.839420192, 7.879393332, 8.586145049, 8.129879332, 6.543378761])
yerr2 = np.array([28.84371257, 22.30391049, 16.3503791, 12.32503283, 10.6931908, 8.909895306, 9.310031644, 9.619524491, 7.725528299, 6.64584248, 5.483917187])
yerr3 = np.array([25.22103486, 17.58553765, 16.56186149, 14.93545788, 9.884470694, 11.15591573, 8.696907113, 9.602409632, 8.156617355, 6.966615987, 5.706426531])
yerr_av = (yerr1 + yerr2 + yerr3 )/3
# Parameters
a_original = 1772.73301389
b_original = 4137.16888269
c_original = -6903.58620042
d_original = 5845.15206084
x = xval_av
y = yval_av
p = lmfit.Parameters()
p.add_many(('a', a_original), ('b', b_original), ('c', c_original), ('d', d_original))
def residual(x,y,p):
return p['a'] + p['b']*x + p['c']*x**2 + p['d']*x**3 - y
# Minimiser
mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual(x,y,p), p, nan_policy='omit')
# Nelder-Mead
out1 = mini.minimize(method='Nelder')
# Levenberg-Marquardt
# Nelder-Mead as initial guess
out2 = mini.minimize(method='leastsq', params=out1.params)
lmfit.report_fit(out2.params, min_correl=0.5)
ci, trace = lmfit.conf_interval(mini, out2, sigmas=[1, 2],
trace=True, verbose=False)
plot_type = 2
if plot_type == 0:
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, residual(out2.params) + y)
elif plot_type == 1:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'b', 'd' )
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 2:
cx, cy, grid = lmfit.conf_interval2d(mini, out2, 'a', 'd', 30, 30)
plt.contourf(cx, cy, grid, np.linspace(0, 1, 11))
elif plot_type == 3:
cx1, cy1, prob = trace['a']['a'], trace['a']['d'], trace['a']['prob']
cx2, cy2, prob2 = trace['d']['d'], trace['d']['a'], trace['d']['prob']
plt.scatter(cx1, cy1, c=prob, s=30)
plt.scatter(cx2, cy2, c=prob2, s=30)
plt.gca().set_xlim((2.5, 3.5))
plt.gca().set_ylim((11, 13))
if plot_type > 0:
python parameters curve-fitting chi-squared
python parameters curve-fitting chi-squared
edited Nov 23 '18 at 15:53
asked Nov 19 '18 at 14:55


Please post the error messages you are getting.
– berkelem
Nov 19 '18 at 15:16
This is the thing, it's not the errors that I'm concerned about, I can troubleshoot where I've mucked up array indexing and such on my own. I just don't know how I can say... minimise my chi squared function to a value of ( chi_min + 1 ) by varying only one of the parameters/arguments (this will be the one I''m trying to find the error on), then minimise chi completely by varying all the other parameters whilst keeping the previous one constant. So an iterative process where I can find the edge of a Chi + 1 contour and relate this back to my original chi, to find the error on that parameter...
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:46
So I had a look at minimise_scalar (lambda) or optimise_scalar (lambda,), something like that but it seems that I could only vary one of my parameters. I really just have no idea what functions to use or how I could set it up or if there's an easier way using bootstrap or curve optimisation functions... I'm just completely stuck on how I'd get started on such a function
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:50
Does this question help?…
– berkelem
Nov 20 '18 at 12:25
Can you rephrase your post such that is clear what you actually want? What do you mean bychi_min + 1
? Is it clear that if only parameter, e.g.,a
is optimized you can actually get down to that value?
– mikuszefski
Nov 22 '18 at 13:16
show 4 more comments
Please post the error messages you are getting.
– berkelem
Nov 19 '18 at 15:16
This is the thing, it's not the errors that I'm concerned about, I can troubleshoot where I've mucked up array indexing and such on my own. I just don't know how I can say... minimise my chi squared function to a value of ( chi_min + 1 ) by varying only one of the parameters/arguments (this will be the one I''m trying to find the error on), then minimise chi completely by varying all the other parameters whilst keeping the previous one constant. So an iterative process where I can find the edge of a Chi + 1 contour and relate this back to my original chi, to find the error on that parameter...
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:46
So I had a look at minimise_scalar (lambda) or optimise_scalar (lambda,), something like that but it seems that I could only vary one of my parameters. I really just have no idea what functions to use or how I could set it up or if there's an easier way using bootstrap or curve optimisation functions... I'm just completely stuck on how I'd get started on such a function
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:50
Does this question help?…
– berkelem
Nov 20 '18 at 12:25
Can you rephrase your post such that is clear what you actually want? What do you mean bychi_min + 1
? Is it clear that if only parameter, e.g.,a
is optimized you can actually get down to that value?
– mikuszefski
Nov 22 '18 at 13:16
Please post the error messages you are getting.
– berkelem
Nov 19 '18 at 15:16
Please post the error messages you are getting.
– berkelem
Nov 19 '18 at 15:16
This is the thing, it's not the errors that I'm concerned about, I can troubleshoot where I've mucked up array indexing and such on my own. I just don't know how I can say... minimise my chi squared function to a value of ( chi_min + 1 ) by varying only one of the parameters/arguments (this will be the one I''m trying to find the error on), then minimise chi completely by varying all the other parameters whilst keeping the previous one constant. So an iterative process where I can find the edge of a Chi + 1 contour and relate this back to my original chi, to find the error on that parameter...
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:46
This is the thing, it's not the errors that I'm concerned about, I can troubleshoot where I've mucked up array indexing and such on my own. I just don't know how I can say... minimise my chi squared function to a value of ( chi_min + 1 ) by varying only one of the parameters/arguments (this will be the one I''m trying to find the error on), then minimise chi completely by varying all the other parameters whilst keeping the previous one constant. So an iterative process where I can find the edge of a Chi + 1 contour and relate this back to my original chi, to find the error on that parameter...
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:46
So I had a look at minimise_scalar (lambda) or optimise_scalar (lambda,), something like that but it seems that I could only vary one of my parameters. I really just have no idea what functions to use or how I could set it up or if there's an easier way using bootstrap or curve optimisation functions... I'm just completely stuck on how I'd get started on such a function
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:50
So I had a look at minimise_scalar (lambda) or optimise_scalar (lambda,), something like that but it seems that I could only vary one of my parameters. I really just have no idea what functions to use or how I could set it up or if there's an easier way using bootstrap or curve optimisation functions... I'm just completely stuck on how I'd get started on such a function
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:50
Does this question help?…
– berkelem
Nov 20 '18 at 12:25
Does this question help?…
– berkelem
Nov 20 '18 at 12:25
Can you rephrase your post such that is clear what you actually want? What do you mean by
chi_min + 1
? Is it clear that if only parameter, e.g., a
is optimized you can actually get down to that value?– mikuszefski
Nov 22 '18 at 13:16
Can you rephrase your post such that is clear what you actually want? What do you mean by
chi_min + 1
? Is it clear that if only parameter, e.g., a
is optimized you can actually get down to that value?– mikuszefski
Nov 22 '18 at 13:16
show 4 more comments
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Please post the error messages you are getting.
– berkelem
Nov 19 '18 at 15:16
This is the thing, it's not the errors that I'm concerned about, I can troubleshoot where I've mucked up array indexing and such on my own. I just don't know how I can say... minimise my chi squared function to a value of ( chi_min + 1 ) by varying only one of the parameters/arguments (this will be the one I''m trying to find the error on), then minimise chi completely by varying all the other parameters whilst keeping the previous one constant. So an iterative process where I can find the edge of a Chi + 1 contour and relate this back to my original chi, to find the error on that parameter...
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:46
So I had a look at minimise_scalar (lambda) or optimise_scalar (lambda,), something like that but it seems that I could only vary one of my parameters. I really just have no idea what functions to use or how I could set it up or if there's an easier way using bootstrap or curve optimisation functions... I'm just completely stuck on how I'd get started on such a function
– CricK0es
Nov 20 '18 at 11:50
Does this question help?…
– berkelem
Nov 20 '18 at 12:25
Can you rephrase your post such that is clear what you actually want? What do you mean by
chi_min + 1
? Is it clear that if only parameter, e.g.,a
is optimized you can actually get down to that value?– mikuszefski
Nov 22 '18 at 13:16