themefiend Multiple product options add-on zoom (disable)
I'm using Themefiends multiple product options add-on for our Bigcartel shop.
I want to disable the zoom option that comes with it - zoom of product pictures on hover. It also interferes with the scrolling on mobile - you can't scroll over the zoomed picture (which takes a lot of screen space, so you're left with only a tiny space for scrolling).
Only hiding the zoom div looks OK on desktop but still interferes with the scrolling on mobile.
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<script type="text/javascript">var LicenseKey = "{{ License_Key }}"; var shopURL = "{{ store.url }}";</script>
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javascript html css add-on bigcartel
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I'm using Themefiends multiple product options add-on for our Bigcartel shop.
I want to disable the zoom option that comes with it - zoom of product pictures on hover. It also interferes with the scrolling on mobile - you can't scroll over the zoomed picture (which takes a lot of screen space, so you're left with only a tiny space for scrolling).
Only hiding the zoom div looks OK on desktop but still interferes with the scrolling on mobile.
{% assign: Products_Grid_Zone = "ul.products" %}{% assign: Cart_Zone = ".cart_items" %}{% assign: Image_Gallery_Zone = ".product_images" %}{% assign: Product_Form_Zone = "form[action*=cart]:first" %}
{% assign: ppr = Products_per_Row %}{% capture p_pr %}{% if ppr == 2 %}6{% elsif ppr == 3 %}4{% elsif ppr == 4 %}3{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
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<script type="text/javascript">var LicenseKey = "{{ License_Key }}"; var shopURL = "{{ store.url }}";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><style data-theme="Lunch Break" type="text/css">.mfp-wrap, .mfp-bg {display: none;}html {overflow: auto !important;margin:0px !important}.mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close {cursor: default}.product_images .product_thumbnails li {width: 20%}li.product .color-swatch {margin:-1px; width: 20px;height: 20px;}ul.products li img:not(:first-of-type){display: none}.pol-inner input {position: absolute;left: -9999px;}.pol-inner > span[data-index] {display: inline-block;margin-right: 5px;}.select select{width: 100%;padding: 0px 15px;}.select.sub-options label {display: none}span.color-swatch {border-radius: 2px}#multiple_product_options li label {border-radius: 2px}</style>
javascript html css add-on bigcartel
Even after fixing the code formatting, its a jumbled mess... you'll need to format it better for us to help you
– sme
Nov 20 '18 at 10:38
So sorry about the mess. I'm new at this and this is the code that ThemeFiend provided. I'll try to format the code and post it, maybe it will come in handy to someone else. Thank you for trying to help.
– Trogflon
Nov 20 '18 at 18:08
add a comment |
I'm using Themefiends multiple product options add-on for our Bigcartel shop.
I want to disable the zoom option that comes with it - zoom of product pictures on hover. It also interferes with the scrolling on mobile - you can't scroll over the zoomed picture (which takes a lot of screen space, so you're left with only a tiny space for scrolling).
Only hiding the zoom div looks OK on desktop but still interferes with the scrolling on mobile.
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{% assign: ppr = Products_per_Row %}{% capture p_pr %}{% if ppr == 2 %}6{% elsif ppr == 3 %}4{% elsif ppr == 4 %}3{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
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javascript html css add-on bigcartel
I'm using Themefiends multiple product options add-on for our Bigcartel shop.
I want to disable the zoom option that comes with it - zoom of product pictures on hover. It also interferes with the scrolling on mobile - you can't scroll over the zoomed picture (which takes a lot of screen space, so you're left with only a tiny space for scrolling).
Only hiding the zoom div looks OK on desktop but still interferes with the scrolling on mobile.
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javascript html css add-on bigcartel
javascript html css add-on bigcartel
edited Nov 20 '18 at 10:37


asked Nov 20 '18 at 10:33
Even after fixing the code formatting, its a jumbled mess... you'll need to format it better for us to help you
– sme
Nov 20 '18 at 10:38
So sorry about the mess. I'm new at this and this is the code that ThemeFiend provided. I'll try to format the code and post it, maybe it will come in handy to someone else. Thank you for trying to help.
– Trogflon
Nov 20 '18 at 18:08
add a comment |
Even after fixing the code formatting, its a jumbled mess... you'll need to format it better for us to help you
– sme
Nov 20 '18 at 10:38
So sorry about the mess. I'm new at this and this is the code that ThemeFiend provided. I'll try to format the code and post it, maybe it will come in handy to someone else. Thank you for trying to help.
– Trogflon
Nov 20 '18 at 18:08
Even after fixing the code formatting, its a jumbled mess... you'll need to format it better for us to help you
– sme
Nov 20 '18 at 10:38
Even after fixing the code formatting, its a jumbled mess... you'll need to format it better for us to help you
– sme
Nov 20 '18 at 10:38
So sorry about the mess. I'm new at this and this is the code that ThemeFiend provided. I'll try to format the code and post it, maybe it will come in handy to someone else. Thank you for trying to help.
– Trogflon
Nov 20 '18 at 18:08
So sorry about the mess. I'm new at this and this is the code that ThemeFiend provided. I'll try to format the code and post it, maybe it will come in handy to someone else. Thank you for trying to help.
– Trogflon
Nov 20 '18 at 18:08
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1 Answer
Ok so I was editing this schizophrenic mess of a code and found a piece I thought could be responsible for the zoom. Deleted it and now the zoom is turned off and the code is still working.
Here is the part I deleted
$('.featured').zoom({url: currentImage});
Maybe it will be helpful to someone else too.
I'll post the formatted code when I'm finished editing it.
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1 Answer
1 Answer
Ok so I was editing this schizophrenic mess of a code and found a piece I thought could be responsible for the zoom. Deleted it and now the zoom is turned off and the code is still working.
Here is the part I deleted
$('.featured').zoom({url: currentImage});
Maybe it will be helpful to someone else too.
I'll post the formatted code when I'm finished editing it.
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Ok so I was editing this schizophrenic mess of a code and found a piece I thought could be responsible for the zoom. Deleted it and now the zoom is turned off and the code is still working.
Here is the part I deleted
$('.featured').zoom({url: currentImage});
Maybe it will be helpful to someone else too.
I'll post the formatted code when I'm finished editing it.
add a comment |
Ok so I was editing this schizophrenic mess of a code and found a piece I thought could be responsible for the zoom. Deleted it and now the zoom is turned off and the code is still working.
Here is the part I deleted
$('.featured').zoom({url: currentImage});
Maybe it will be helpful to someone else too.
I'll post the formatted code when I'm finished editing it.
Ok so I was editing this schizophrenic mess of a code and found a piece I thought could be responsible for the zoom. Deleted it and now the zoom is turned off and the code is still working.
Here is the part I deleted
$('.featured').zoom({url: currentImage});
Maybe it will be helpful to someone else too.
I'll post the formatted code when I'm finished editing it.
answered Nov 20 '18 at 18:06
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Even after fixing the code formatting, its a jumbled mess... you'll need to format it better for us to help you
– sme
Nov 20 '18 at 10:38
So sorry about the mess. I'm new at this and this is the code that ThemeFiend provided. I'll try to format the code and post it, maybe it will come in handy to someone else. Thank you for trying to help.
– Trogflon
Nov 20 '18 at 18:08