
目前顯示的是 1月 6, 2019的文章

AWSQueueService UsageValue

0 I'm new to this AWS and SQS and playing with it. My SQS billing says I have used my free tier allocation limit in just 10 days for the month and I am not clear what is the reason for such a heavy usage, when 99.9% if time the Queues are empty. I have a total of 6 queues including 2 DLQs. I have created them all using default settings and not set any throttling or assigned any extra resources. The functional logic I implemented is, a Lambda checks if there is any notifications to send every 30 minutes and if there are then it creates a message which it puts in a SQS. 99.9% of the time the lambda returns empty results. When a message is put on SQS then a Lambda is triggered which actually sends the notifications and any failures are put in DLQ. And if the lambda receives any error response when sending a notifi

Port 80 mixed up among clients using DNAT

1 I'm trying to set up a network like this: ...but I'm facing an issue. Here's the point: If I try to reach (e.g.) mywebsite1.com from external it works like a charm and it's shown my wonderful website but whenever I try to run (e.g.) apt-get update from inside the Virtual Server 2 it throws an error like " Failed to connect to xxx-whatever-website.com port 80: connection refused ". The problem is solved if I delete the prerouting rule on the main server firewall but, of course, then I'm not more able to connect to mywebsite1.com from external. Same story if I change the Virtual Server default gateway to I naively tried to add a static route on the main server (something like ip route add via but, of course, it didn't work. Should I t