
目前顯示的是 3月 23, 2019的文章

Declarations for the types used by Intel in the instrinsics guide?

2 Where are the declarations for the types used by the Intel intrinsic functions, according to the Intrinsics Guide? For example, _mm_stream_si64 is defined as: void _mm_stream_si64 (__int64* mem_addr, __int64 a) However, after including <immintrin.h> on gcc on Linux, the type __int64 does not exist. x86 intel sse intrinsics share | improve this question asked Nov 22 '18 at 20:04 BeeOnRope BeeOnRope 26.4k 8 81 180 1

Big Grassy First Nation

Big Grassy First Nation (or Mishkosiminiziibiing Anishinaabeg in the Ojibwe language) is an Ojibwe or Ontario Saulteaux First Nation band government located in Rainy River District, Ontario near Morson, Ontario. Together with the Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation, Big Grassy First Nation is a successor apparent to the former Assabaska Band of Saulteaux. Total registered population in February, 2012, was 721, of which the on-reserve population was 228. The First Nation is a member of the Anishinabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council, a regional tribal council that is a member of the Grand Council of Treaty 3. Contents 1 Reserves 2 Governance 3 History 4 External links Reserves The First Nation have reserved for themselves six reserves: 3,615.10 hectares (8,933.1 acres) Big Grassy River 35G , which serves as their main reserve, 1,408.70 hectares (3,481.0 acres) Lake of the Woods 35J , 518 hectares (1,280 acres) Naongashing 35A , 712.30 hecta