
目前顯示的是 1月 12, 2019的文章

About drawing dots using react-native-signature-capture

0 I'm using this npm: https://github.com/RepairShopr/react-native-signature-capture and I need to draw dots on it. The problem is that the drawing itself just appears if I move my finger a little bit, what result in a slightly line, not a dot. So what I need to change to the dots appear when I touch the screen? react-native npm digital-signature share | improve this question asked Nov 13 '18 at 12:26 Diego Bittencourt Diego Bittencourt 121 13 add a comm

Explode columns having nested list in pyspark using dataframes

0 I've a datafram having below column: [Row( col_1=True, col_2=[Row(val1=70, val2=None, val3=u'35f81fd0')], col_3=[ Row(scr=100, id=u'ae288', i_rs=[ Row(a= [Row(id=42, value=u'10'), Row(id=49, value=u'100')], c_d=None, t_i=None, name=u'', pd=413, st=0, stamp=None, t_s=50 ), Row(a= [Row(id=42, value=u'100'), Row(id=49, value=u'10')], c_d=None, t_i=None, name=u'Jfe', pd=411, st=0, stamp=None, t_s=20 ), Row(a= [ Row(id=453, value=u'1523430000'), Row(id=709, value=u'1523516400'), Row(id=964, value=u&