
目前顯示的是 1月 28, 2019的文章

Apereo CAS 5.3- Custom accept authentication

0 I'm using cas-overlay-template version 5.3 (https://github.com/apereo/cas-overlay-template/tree/5.3) I want to customize the authenticationHandler, @Configuration("AcceptAuthenticationConfiguration") @EnableConfigurationProperties(CasConfigurationProperties.class) public class AcceptAuthenticationConfiguration implements AuthenticationEventExecutionPlanConfigurer { private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AcceptAuthenticationConfiguration.class); @Autowired private CasConfigurationProperties casProperties; This is how I show the value of casProperies: @RefreshScope @Bean public AuthenticationHandler myAuthenticationHandler() { LOGGER.debug("Location = ", casProperties.getServiceRegistry().getJson().getLocation())

Is it possible to override embedded jaxb customizations with externally defined ones?

0 I have a large set of wsdl with xsd schemas inside for which I want to generate java classes with JAXB customizations. Most tools offer two ways to do that - either embed the customizations inside xsd/wsdl or provide external mapping file. In my case I don't want to alter the wsdl/xsd files as they are not owned by me, I am just a consumer. So I use the approach with external jaxb mapping file. Unfortunately I encountered a few wsdls from my set which already have embedded jaxb customizations inside. In such case CXF cxf-codegen-plugin tool I use throws an error that it is unable to respect the customizations because of duplicated or entries attached to the same place. Examples of errors: compiler was unable to honor this globalBindings customization. It is attached to a wrong place, or its incon