
目前顯示的是 4月 3, 2019的文章

Pandas - How to repeat axvline through each graph

2 New to pandas/python and trying to figure out how to get a repeating line throughout all of my graphs to pin point and exact location, my code is working and I have the line showing for one therefore I would imagine I need to loop through all of them, but I simply don't know how to do it. Code is following: crimeDataBelfastMonthByType = crimeData[['Ward Name','Month']] crimeDataBelfastMonthByType = pd.DataFrame({'count' : crimeDataBelfastMonthByType.groupby([ "Ward Name", "Month"] ).size()}).reset_index() fig3 = pd.pivot_table(crimeDataBelfastMonthByType, values='count', index=['Month'], columns=['Ward Name'], fill_value=0) fig3.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(fig2.index) fig3.plot(figsize=(30, 30), subplots=True, layout=(-1, 6), sharex=Fals