
Introduced 1997

TLD type
Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry AS Domain Registry
Sponsor AS Domain Registry
Intended use Entities connected with  American Samoa
Actual use Used for a variety of things, mostly not connected with American Samoa
Registration restrictions Domains may not be used for pornographic or racist material; registry has right of refusal for all applications
Structure Registrations are directly at second level
Documents Registry policy
Dispute policies UDRP
Registry Website AS Domain Registry

.as is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for American Samoa. It is administered by AS Domain Registry.


  • 1 Usage

  • 2 Vulnerability

  • 3 References

  • 4 See also

  • 5 External links


There is no restriction on the nationality of registrants, and many .as names are registered to and used by people, companies and organizations with no connection to American Samoa (as example, people and organizations related to Asturias, a Spanish region). "AS" or "A/S" is a suffix indicating a joint stock company in some countries including Norway, Denmark, Estonia and Czech Republic, so this TLD may be of use by companies of this sort. Also, some autonomous systems or websites providing information about autonomous systems or BGP, such as bgp4.as, have registered domain names.
It is, sometimes, used as a domain hack, since the suffix "-s" means plural in some languages like English and Spanish, thus "-as" would be the end of the plural of a word that ends with an "a". An example of that is the Brazilian website escol.as, meaning "schools".


In April 2016, a security researcher uncovered a vulnerability in the AS Domain Registry which exposed plain-text passwords of .as domain owners, administrators, billing and technical contacts, and further allowed anyone to modify or delete .as domain records.[1]


  1. ^ Flaw allowed anyone to modify & take control over ANY .as domain 2016-04-25

See also

  • Internet in American Samoa

  • Internet in the United States

  • .us

External links

  • IANA .as whois information

  • AS Domain Registry (ASNIC)


Hercules Kyvelos

Tangent Lines Diagram Along Smooth Curve

Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud