ffmpeg stream decoding - artefacts when not using ffplay

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ height:90px;width:728px;box-sizing:border-box;


I stream a video capture via RTP using libx264. For now, I just stream to localhost.
For watching the stream, I use the ffmpeg library. When I set the GOP size greater than 1 (only I frames), I get artefacts on the receiver side received image. The strange thing is, when I use ffplay, the image is perfect like original. What am I doing wrong?

Settings for encoding

output_codec_ctx->bit_rate = 5000000;
output_codec_ctx->width = 1920;
output_codec_ctx->height = 1080;
output_codec_ctx->time_base.den = 30; // frames per second
output_codec_ctx->time_base.num = 1;
output_codec_ctx->gop_size = 10; // gop size
output_codec_ctx->max_b_frames = 0; // B frames
output_codec_ctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; // output pixel format
output_codec_ctx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;

av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "preset", "ultrafast", 0);
av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "tune", "zerolatency", 0);

Code for decoding

AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx;
AVCodecContext *input_codec_ctx;
AVCode *pCodec;
avdevice_register_all(); // for device
pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
input_codec_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
AVDictionary *options = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&options, "protocol_whitelist", "file,udp,rtp", 0);
av_dict_set(&options, "fflags", "nobuffer",0);

avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, "rtp://", nullptr, &options);

avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, nullptr);
for (uint i = 0; i < pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++)
if (pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
videoStream = static_cast<int>(i);


av_read_play(pFormatCtx); //play stream
pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar->codec_id);
AVCodecParameters *codec_param = pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar;
avcodec_parameters_to_context(input_codec_ctx, codec_param);
avcodec_open2(input_codec_ctx, pCodec, nullptr);

AVPacket packet;
AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
AVFrame *frame;
frame = av_frame_alloc();

pkt->data = nullptr; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder
pkt->size = 0;


Initialization and stuff omitted. Console output for custom decoding:

NULL @ 0x1fb7b80] Opening 'stream.sdp' for reading
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Format sdp probed with size=2048 and score=50
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] video codec set to: h264
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP Packetization Mode: 1
[udp @ 0x1f34140] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[udp @ 0x1fb8e40] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] setting jitter buffer size to 500

Success !
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 nb_streams:1
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 57 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 2 36
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3887 DC, 3887 AC, 3887 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 155 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] corrupted macroblock 32 41 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 32 41
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3257 DC, 3257 AC, 3257 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 51 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 10 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 50 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] All info found
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 frames:28
found video stream

The number of elements in stream is 1

[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 256 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 119 41
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3170 DC, 3170 AC, 3170 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 5 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 4 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 100 56
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 84 65 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 84 65
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 754 DC, 754 AC, 754 MV errors in I frame
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 160 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 17 36 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 17 36
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3872 DC, 3872 AC, 3872 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 53 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 62 39 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 62 39
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3467 DC, 3467 AC, 3467 MV errors in I frame

share|improve this question

  • Try with GOP = 14 and, likely, max_b_frames = 2

    – Ripi2
    Nov 23 '18 at 16:40

  • @Ripi2 doesn't change anything

    – Lucker10
    Nov 26 '18 at 9:01

  • Might be related to superuser.com/questions/1349925/…

    – Lucker10
    Nov 28 '18 at 11:23


I stream a video capture via RTP using libx264. For now, I just stream to localhost.
For watching the stream, I use the ffmpeg library. When I set the GOP size greater than 1 (only I frames), I get artefacts on the receiver side received image. The strange thing is, when I use ffplay, the image is perfect like original. What am I doing wrong?

Settings for encoding

output_codec_ctx->bit_rate = 5000000;
output_codec_ctx->width = 1920;
output_codec_ctx->height = 1080;
output_codec_ctx->time_base.den = 30; // frames per second
output_codec_ctx->time_base.num = 1;
output_codec_ctx->gop_size = 10; // gop size
output_codec_ctx->max_b_frames = 0; // B frames
output_codec_ctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; // output pixel format
output_codec_ctx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;

av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "preset", "ultrafast", 0);
av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "tune", "zerolatency", 0);

Code for decoding

AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx;
AVCodecContext *input_codec_ctx;
AVCode *pCodec;
avdevice_register_all(); // for device
pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
input_codec_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
AVDictionary *options = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&options, "protocol_whitelist", "file,udp,rtp", 0);
av_dict_set(&options, "fflags", "nobuffer",0);

avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, "rtp://", nullptr, &options);

avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, nullptr);
for (uint i = 0; i < pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++)
if (pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
videoStream = static_cast<int>(i);


av_read_play(pFormatCtx); //play stream
pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar->codec_id);
AVCodecParameters *codec_param = pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar;
avcodec_parameters_to_context(input_codec_ctx, codec_param);
avcodec_open2(input_codec_ctx, pCodec, nullptr);

AVPacket packet;
AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
AVFrame *frame;
frame = av_frame_alloc();

pkt->data = nullptr; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder
pkt->size = 0;


Initialization and stuff omitted. Console output for custom decoding:

NULL @ 0x1fb7b80] Opening 'stream.sdp' for reading
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Format sdp probed with size=2048 and score=50
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] video codec set to: h264
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP Packetization Mode: 1
[udp @ 0x1f34140] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[udp @ 0x1fb8e40] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] setting jitter buffer size to 500

Success !
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 nb_streams:1
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 57 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 2 36
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3887 DC, 3887 AC, 3887 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 155 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] corrupted macroblock 32 41 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 32 41
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3257 DC, 3257 AC, 3257 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 51 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 10 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 50 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] All info found
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 frames:28
found video stream

The number of elements in stream is 1

[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 256 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 119 41
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3170 DC, 3170 AC, 3170 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 5 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 4 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 100 56
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 84 65 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 84 65
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 754 DC, 754 AC, 754 MV errors in I frame
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 160 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 17 36 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 17 36
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3872 DC, 3872 AC, 3872 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 53 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 62 39 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 62 39
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3467 DC, 3467 AC, 3467 MV errors in I frame

share|improve this question

  • Try with GOP = 14 and, likely, max_b_frames = 2

    – Ripi2
    Nov 23 '18 at 16:40

  • @Ripi2 doesn't change anything

    – Lucker10
    Nov 26 '18 at 9:01

  • Might be related to superuser.com/questions/1349925/…

    – Lucker10
    Nov 28 '18 at 11:23




I stream a video capture via RTP using libx264. For now, I just stream to localhost.
For watching the stream, I use the ffmpeg library. When I set the GOP size greater than 1 (only I frames), I get artefacts on the receiver side received image. The strange thing is, when I use ffplay, the image is perfect like original. What am I doing wrong?

Settings for encoding

output_codec_ctx->bit_rate = 5000000;
output_codec_ctx->width = 1920;
output_codec_ctx->height = 1080;
output_codec_ctx->time_base.den = 30; // frames per second
output_codec_ctx->time_base.num = 1;
output_codec_ctx->gop_size = 10; // gop size
output_codec_ctx->max_b_frames = 0; // B frames
output_codec_ctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; // output pixel format
output_codec_ctx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;

av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "preset", "ultrafast", 0);
av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "tune", "zerolatency", 0);

Code for decoding

AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx;
AVCodecContext *input_codec_ctx;
AVCode *pCodec;
avdevice_register_all(); // for device
pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
input_codec_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
AVDictionary *options = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&options, "protocol_whitelist", "file,udp,rtp", 0);
av_dict_set(&options, "fflags", "nobuffer",0);

avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, "rtp://", nullptr, &options);

avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, nullptr);
for (uint i = 0; i < pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++)
if (pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
videoStream = static_cast<int>(i);


av_read_play(pFormatCtx); //play stream
pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar->codec_id);
AVCodecParameters *codec_param = pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar;
avcodec_parameters_to_context(input_codec_ctx, codec_param);
avcodec_open2(input_codec_ctx, pCodec, nullptr);

AVPacket packet;
AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
AVFrame *frame;
frame = av_frame_alloc();

pkt->data = nullptr; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder
pkt->size = 0;


Initialization and stuff omitted. Console output for custom decoding:

NULL @ 0x1fb7b80] Opening 'stream.sdp' for reading
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Format sdp probed with size=2048 and score=50
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] video codec set to: h264
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP Packetization Mode: 1
[udp @ 0x1f34140] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[udp @ 0x1fb8e40] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] setting jitter buffer size to 500

Success !
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 nb_streams:1
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 57 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 2 36
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3887 DC, 3887 AC, 3887 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 155 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] corrupted macroblock 32 41 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 32 41
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3257 DC, 3257 AC, 3257 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 51 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 10 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 50 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] All info found
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 frames:28
found video stream

The number of elements in stream is 1

[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 256 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 119 41
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3170 DC, 3170 AC, 3170 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 5 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 4 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 100 56
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 84 65 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 84 65
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 754 DC, 754 AC, 754 MV errors in I frame
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 160 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 17 36 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 17 36
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3872 DC, 3872 AC, 3872 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 53 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 62 39 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 62 39
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3467 DC, 3467 AC, 3467 MV errors in I frame

share|improve this question

I stream a video capture via RTP using libx264. For now, I just stream to localhost.
For watching the stream, I use the ffmpeg library. When I set the GOP size greater than 1 (only I frames), I get artefacts on the receiver side received image. The strange thing is, when I use ffplay, the image is perfect like original. What am I doing wrong?

Settings for encoding

output_codec_ctx->bit_rate = 5000000;
output_codec_ctx->width = 1920;
output_codec_ctx->height = 1080;
output_codec_ctx->time_base.den = 30; // frames per second
output_codec_ctx->time_base.num = 1;
output_codec_ctx->gop_size = 10; // gop size
output_codec_ctx->max_b_frames = 0; // B frames
output_codec_ctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; // output pixel format
output_codec_ctx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;

av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "preset", "ultrafast", 0);
av_opt_set(output_codec_ctx->priv_data, "tune", "zerolatency", 0);

Code for decoding

AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx;
AVCodecContext *input_codec_ctx;
AVCode *pCodec;
avdevice_register_all(); // for device
pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
input_codec_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
AVDictionary *options = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&options, "protocol_whitelist", "file,udp,rtp", 0);
av_dict_set(&options, "fflags", "nobuffer",0);

avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, "rtp://", nullptr, &options);

avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, nullptr);
for (uint i = 0; i < pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++)
if (pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
videoStream = static_cast<int>(i);


av_read_play(pFormatCtx); //play stream
pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar->codec_id);
AVCodecParameters *codec_param = pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codecpar;
avcodec_parameters_to_context(input_codec_ctx, codec_param);
avcodec_open2(input_codec_ctx, pCodec, nullptr);

AVPacket packet;
AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
AVFrame *frame;
frame = av_frame_alloc();

pkt->data = nullptr; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder
pkt->size = 0;


Initialization and stuff omitted. Console output for custom decoding:

NULL @ 0x1fb7b80] Opening 'stream.sdp' for reading
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Format sdp probed with size=2048 and score=50
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] video codec set to: h264
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP Packetization Mode: 1
[udp @ 0x1f34140] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[udp @ 0x1fb8e40] end receive buffer size reported is 131072
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] setting jitter buffer size to 500

Success !
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 nb_streams:1
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[AVBSFContext @ 0x1fa5880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 57 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 2 36
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3887 DC, 3887 AC, 3887 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 155 packets
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] corrupted macroblock 32 41 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] error while decoding MB 32 41
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] concealing 3257 DC, 3257 AC, 3257 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1fa51c0] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 51 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 10 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 50 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 52 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] All info found
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 181 bytes read:181 seeks:0 frames:28
found video stream

The number of elements in stream is 1

[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 256 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] Invalid level prefix
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 119 41
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3170 DC, 3170 AC, 3170 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 5 packets
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 4 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 100 56
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 84 65 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 84 65
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 754 DC, 754 AC, 754 MV errors in I frame
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 160 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 17 36 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 17 36
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3872 DC, 3872 AC, 3872 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[sdp @ 0x1fb7b80] RTP: missed 53 packets
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] corrupted macroblock 62 39 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] error while decoding MB 62 39
[h264 @ 0x1ee3880] concealing 3467 DC, 3467 AC, 3467 MV errors in I frame

c++ ffmpeg h.264

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edited Nov 27 '18 at 12:19


asked Nov 23 '18 at 16:14




  • Try with GOP = 14 and, likely, max_b_frames = 2

    – Ripi2
    Nov 23 '18 at 16:40

  • @Ripi2 doesn't change anything

    – Lucker10
    Nov 26 '18 at 9:01

  • Might be related to superuser.com/questions/1349925/…

    – Lucker10
    Nov 28 '18 at 11:23

  • Try with GOP = 14 and, likely, max_b_frames = 2

    – Ripi2
    Nov 23 '18 at 16:40

  • @Ripi2 doesn't change anything

    – Lucker10
    Nov 26 '18 at 9:01

  • Might be related to superuser.com/questions/1349925/…

    – Lucker10
    Nov 28 '18 at 11:23

Try with GOP = 14 and, likely, max_b_frames = 2

– Ripi2
Nov 23 '18 at 16:40

Try with GOP = 14 and, likely, max_b_frames = 2

– Ripi2
Nov 23 '18 at 16:40

@Ripi2 doesn't change anything

– Lucker10
Nov 26 '18 at 9:01

@Ripi2 doesn't change anything

– Lucker10
Nov 26 '18 at 9:01

Might be related to superuser.com/questions/1349925/…

– Lucker10
Nov 28 '18 at 11:23

Might be related to superuser.com/questions/1349925/…

– Lucker10
Nov 28 '18 at 11:23

1 Answer





In the end I solved it by implementing it the same way ffplay does: One thread performs av_read_frame() and pushes the received packets to a packetqueue, and a second thread decodes the packets.

No idea why it does not work in one thread.

You might get an example from the following snippets:


must_abort = false; // class member, externally set to true if abort requested
AVPacket packet;
AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
int ret;

while (must_abort == false){
ret = av_read_frame(pFormatCtx,pkt);
if (ret>=0 && !must_abort){
qDebug("no packet received");


class PacketQueue{
void init(){
abort_request = false;
void putPacket(AVPacket *pkt) {


int getPacket(AVPacket *pkt){
int ret;
forever {
if (abort_request) {
ret = -1;
if (queue.size() == 0){
if (waitForNewPacket.wait(&mutex, 1000)){
qDebug("PacketQueue timeout, try again...");
*pkt= queue.dequeue();
ret = 1;

return ret;

void abort(){
abort_request = true;

bool abort_request;
QQueue<AVPacket> queue;
QMutex mutex;
QWaitCondition waitForNewPacket;


AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc();
AVFrame *frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx = nullptr;
int ret;
int cnt = 0;
int width_current = 0;
int height_current = 0;


ret = decodeFrame(frame);
if (ret < 0 ){
if (ret == 0){

// check if height and width have changed
if (width_current != frame->width || height_current != frame->height){
frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
frame_RGB->width = width_current = frame->width;
frame_RGB->height = height_current = frame->height;
frame_RGB->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
av_image_alloc(frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize, frame_RGB->width, frame_RGB->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, 32);
img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext( frame->width,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

if (img_convert_ctx != nullptr) {
sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, static_cast<uint8_t const * const *>(frame->data),
frame->linesize, 0, frame->height,
frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize);
// here is the frame available as RGB in frame_RGB




int VideoDecoder::decodeFrame(AVFrame* frame){
int ret = AVERROR(EAGAIN);

forever {
AVPacket pkt;

do {
ret = avcodec_receive_frame(input_codec_ctx, frame);
if (ret >= 0) {
//frame->pts = frame->pkt_dts;
//frame->pts = frame->best_effort_timestamp;

if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) {
return 0;
if (ret >= 0)
return 1;
} while (ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN));

if (queue->getPacket(&pkt) < 0)
return -1;

ret = avcodec_send_packet(input_codec_ctx, &pkt);

if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
qFatal("Receive_frame and send_packet both returned EAGAIN, which is an API violation.");

if (pkt.buf->buffer != nullptr){
qDebug() << "Packet cannot be freed, pkt.buf->buffer == NULL!";


share|improve this answer

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    In the end I solved it by implementing it the same way ffplay does: One thread performs av_read_frame() and pushes the received packets to a packetqueue, and a second thread decodes the packets.

    No idea why it does not work in one thread.

    You might get an example from the following snippets:


    must_abort = false; // class member, externally set to true if abort requested
    AVPacket packet;
    AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
    int ret;

    while (must_abort == false){
    ret = av_read_frame(pFormatCtx,pkt);
    if (ret>=0 && !must_abort){
    qDebug("no packet received");


    class PacketQueue{
    void init(){
    abort_request = false;
    void putPacket(AVPacket *pkt) {


    int getPacket(AVPacket *pkt){
    int ret;
    forever {
    if (abort_request) {
    ret = -1;
    if (queue.size() == 0){
    if (waitForNewPacket.wait(&mutex, 1000)){
    qDebug("PacketQueue timeout, try again...");
    *pkt= queue.dequeue();
    ret = 1;

    return ret;

    void abort(){
    abort_request = true;

    bool abort_request;
    QQueue<AVPacket> queue;
    QMutex mutex;
    QWaitCondition waitForNewPacket;


    AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc();
    AVFrame *frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
    struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx = nullptr;
    int ret;
    int cnt = 0;
    int width_current = 0;
    int height_current = 0;


    ret = decodeFrame(frame);
    if (ret < 0 ){
    if (ret == 0){

    // check if height and width have changed
    if (width_current != frame->width || height_current != frame->height){
    frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
    frame_RGB->width = width_current = frame->width;
    frame_RGB->height = height_current = frame->height;
    frame_RGB->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
    av_image_alloc(frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize, frame_RGB->width, frame_RGB->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, 32);
    img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext( frame->width,
    nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

    if (img_convert_ctx != nullptr) {
    sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, static_cast<uint8_t const * const *>(frame->data),
    frame->linesize, 0, frame->height,
    frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize);
    // here is the frame available as RGB in frame_RGB




    int VideoDecoder::decodeFrame(AVFrame* frame){
    int ret = AVERROR(EAGAIN);

    forever {
    AVPacket pkt;

    do {
    ret = avcodec_receive_frame(input_codec_ctx, frame);
    if (ret >= 0) {
    //frame->pts = frame->pkt_dts;
    //frame->pts = frame->best_effort_timestamp;

    if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) {
    return 0;
    if (ret >= 0)
    return 1;
    } while (ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN));

    if (queue->getPacket(&pkt) < 0)
    return -1;

    ret = avcodec_send_packet(input_codec_ctx, &pkt);

    if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
    qFatal("Receive_frame and send_packet both returned EAGAIN, which is an API violation.");

    if (pkt.buf->buffer != nullptr){
    qDebug() << "Packet cannot be freed, pkt.buf->buffer == NULL!";


    share|improve this answer


      In the end I solved it by implementing it the same way ffplay does: One thread performs av_read_frame() and pushes the received packets to a packetqueue, and a second thread decodes the packets.

      No idea why it does not work in one thread.

      You might get an example from the following snippets:


      must_abort = false; // class member, externally set to true if abort requested
      AVPacket packet;
      AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
      int ret;

      while (must_abort == false){
      ret = av_read_frame(pFormatCtx,pkt);
      if (ret>=0 && !must_abort){
      qDebug("no packet received");


      class PacketQueue{
      void init(){
      abort_request = false;
      void putPacket(AVPacket *pkt) {


      int getPacket(AVPacket *pkt){
      int ret;
      forever {
      if (abort_request) {
      ret = -1;
      if (queue.size() == 0){
      if (waitForNewPacket.wait(&mutex, 1000)){
      qDebug("PacketQueue timeout, try again...");
      *pkt= queue.dequeue();
      ret = 1;

      return ret;

      void abort(){
      abort_request = true;

      bool abort_request;
      QQueue<AVPacket> queue;
      QMutex mutex;
      QWaitCondition waitForNewPacket;


      AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc();
      AVFrame *frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
      struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx = nullptr;
      int ret;
      int cnt = 0;
      int width_current = 0;
      int height_current = 0;


      ret = decodeFrame(frame);
      if (ret < 0 ){
      if (ret == 0){

      // check if height and width have changed
      if (width_current != frame->width || height_current != frame->height){
      frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
      frame_RGB->width = width_current = frame->width;
      frame_RGB->height = height_current = frame->height;
      frame_RGB->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
      av_image_alloc(frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize, frame_RGB->width, frame_RGB->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, 32);
      img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext( frame->width,
      nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

      if (img_convert_ctx != nullptr) {
      sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, static_cast<uint8_t const * const *>(frame->data),
      frame->linesize, 0, frame->height,
      frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize);
      // here is the frame available as RGB in frame_RGB




      int VideoDecoder::decodeFrame(AVFrame* frame){
      int ret = AVERROR(EAGAIN);

      forever {
      AVPacket pkt;

      do {
      ret = avcodec_receive_frame(input_codec_ctx, frame);
      if (ret >= 0) {
      //frame->pts = frame->pkt_dts;
      //frame->pts = frame->best_effort_timestamp;

      if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) {
      return 0;
      if (ret >= 0)
      return 1;
      } while (ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN));

      if (queue->getPacket(&pkt) < 0)
      return -1;

      ret = avcodec_send_packet(input_codec_ctx, &pkt);

      if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
      qFatal("Receive_frame and send_packet both returned EAGAIN, which is an API violation.");

      if (pkt.buf->buffer != nullptr){
      qDebug() << "Packet cannot be freed, pkt.buf->buffer == NULL!";


      share|improve this answer




        In the end I solved it by implementing it the same way ffplay does: One thread performs av_read_frame() and pushes the received packets to a packetqueue, and a second thread decodes the packets.

        No idea why it does not work in one thread.

        You might get an example from the following snippets:


        must_abort = false; // class member, externally set to true if abort requested
        AVPacket packet;
        AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
        int ret;

        while (must_abort == false){
        ret = av_read_frame(pFormatCtx,pkt);
        if (ret>=0 && !must_abort){
        qDebug("no packet received");


        class PacketQueue{
        void init(){
        abort_request = false;
        void putPacket(AVPacket *pkt) {


        int getPacket(AVPacket *pkt){
        int ret;
        forever {
        if (abort_request) {
        ret = -1;
        if (queue.size() == 0){
        if (waitForNewPacket.wait(&mutex, 1000)){
        qDebug("PacketQueue timeout, try again...");
        *pkt= queue.dequeue();
        ret = 1;

        return ret;

        void abort(){
        abort_request = true;

        bool abort_request;
        QQueue<AVPacket> queue;
        QMutex mutex;
        QWaitCondition waitForNewPacket;


        AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc();
        AVFrame *frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
        struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx = nullptr;
        int ret;
        int cnt = 0;
        int width_current = 0;
        int height_current = 0;


        ret = decodeFrame(frame);
        if (ret < 0 ){
        if (ret == 0){

        // check if height and width have changed
        if (width_current != frame->width || height_current != frame->height){
        frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
        frame_RGB->width = width_current = frame->width;
        frame_RGB->height = height_current = frame->height;
        frame_RGB->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
        av_image_alloc(frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize, frame_RGB->width, frame_RGB->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, 32);
        img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext( frame->width,
        nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

        if (img_convert_ctx != nullptr) {
        sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, static_cast<uint8_t const * const *>(frame->data),
        frame->linesize, 0, frame->height,
        frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize);
        // here is the frame available as RGB in frame_RGB




        int VideoDecoder::decodeFrame(AVFrame* frame){
        int ret = AVERROR(EAGAIN);

        forever {
        AVPacket pkt;

        do {
        ret = avcodec_receive_frame(input_codec_ctx, frame);
        if (ret >= 0) {
        //frame->pts = frame->pkt_dts;
        //frame->pts = frame->best_effort_timestamp;

        if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) {
        return 0;
        if (ret >= 0)
        return 1;
        } while (ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN));

        if (queue->getPacket(&pkt) < 0)
        return -1;

        ret = avcodec_send_packet(input_codec_ctx, &pkt);

        if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
        qFatal("Receive_frame and send_packet both returned EAGAIN, which is an API violation.");

        if (pkt.buf->buffer != nullptr){
        qDebug() << "Packet cannot be freed, pkt.buf->buffer == NULL!";


        share|improve this answer

        In the end I solved it by implementing it the same way ffplay does: One thread performs av_read_frame() and pushes the received packets to a packetqueue, and a second thread decodes the packets.

        No idea why it does not work in one thread.

        You might get an example from the following snippets:


        must_abort = false; // class member, externally set to true if abort requested
        AVPacket packet;
        AVPacket *pkt = &packet;
        int ret;

        while (must_abort == false){
        ret = av_read_frame(pFormatCtx,pkt);
        if (ret>=0 && !must_abort){
        qDebug("no packet received");


        class PacketQueue{
        void init(){
        abort_request = false;
        void putPacket(AVPacket *pkt) {


        int getPacket(AVPacket *pkt){
        int ret;
        forever {
        if (abort_request) {
        ret = -1;
        if (queue.size() == 0){
        if (waitForNewPacket.wait(&mutex, 1000)){
        qDebug("PacketQueue timeout, try again...");
        *pkt= queue.dequeue();
        ret = 1;

        return ret;

        void abort(){
        abort_request = true;

        bool abort_request;
        QQueue<AVPacket> queue;
        QMutex mutex;
        QWaitCondition waitForNewPacket;


        AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc();
        AVFrame *frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
        struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx = nullptr;
        int ret;
        int cnt = 0;
        int width_current = 0;
        int height_current = 0;


        ret = decodeFrame(frame);
        if (ret < 0 ){
        if (ret == 0){

        // check if height and width have changed
        if (width_current != frame->width || height_current != frame->height){
        frame_RGB = av_frame_alloc();
        frame_RGB->width = width_current = frame->width;
        frame_RGB->height = height_current = frame->height;
        frame_RGB->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
        av_image_alloc(frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize, frame_RGB->width, frame_RGB->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, 32);
        img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext( frame->width,
        nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

        if (img_convert_ctx != nullptr) {
        sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, static_cast<uint8_t const * const *>(frame->data),
        frame->linesize, 0, frame->height,
        frame_RGB->data, frame_RGB->linesize);
        // here is the frame available as RGB in frame_RGB




        int VideoDecoder::decodeFrame(AVFrame* frame){
        int ret = AVERROR(EAGAIN);

        forever {
        AVPacket pkt;

        do {
        ret = avcodec_receive_frame(input_codec_ctx, frame);
        if (ret >= 0) {
        //frame->pts = frame->pkt_dts;
        //frame->pts = frame->best_effort_timestamp;

        if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) {
        return 0;
        if (ret >= 0)
        return 1;
        } while (ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN));

        if (queue->getPacket(&pkt) < 0)
        return -1;

        ret = avcodec_send_packet(input_codec_ctx, &pkt);

        if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
        qFatal("Receive_frame and send_packet both returned EAGAIN, which is an API violation.");

        if (pkt.buf->buffer != nullptr){
        qDebug() << "Packet cannot be freed, pkt.buf->buffer == NULL!";


        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Dec 18 '18 at 12:43




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