Memory addressing issues with a 2D array implemented as a 1D array (MIPS)


I'm trying to represent a 2D puzzle as a 1D array. Currently, I'm trying to test having a simple 2x2 puzzle with empty cells. In MIPS, this is defined as the following:

.word 0, 0, 0, 0

For the test, this should be what I get as output:

| | |

But, this is what I get:

| | | |
Error #16: Attempt to use nonexistent memory

Fault address: 004000d0

Register contents:

$zero: 00000000 $at: 00000000 $v0: 00000004 $v1: 00000000
$a0: 00000000 $a1: 00000015 $a2: 00000002 $a3: 00000000
$t0: 00000000 $t1: 00000054 $t2: 00000000 $t3: 00000000
$t4: 00000000 $t5: 00000000 $t6: 00000000 $t7: 00000000
$s0: 00000002 $s1: 00000000 $s2: 00000015 $s3: 10000054
$s4: 00000000 $s5: 00000000 $s6: 00000000 $s7: 00000000
$t8: 00000000 $t9: 00000000 $k0: 00000000 $k1: 00000000
$gp: 00000000 $sp: 7fffeac8 $fp: 00000000 $ra: 00400188
pc: 004000d4 hi: 00000000 lo: 00000000

Current instruction: 8e620000 (at 004000d0)

Decoded instruction: lw $v0, 0($s3) (0x10000054)

I already spent time stepping through the debugger and keeping track of the registers by hand, but I am stumped as to where the issue in memory is. The instruction it lists is when I read the memory in getElement, but I'm not sure how I could be accessing memory I shouldn't. I was wondering if anyone noticed anything off with getElement or printTop in regards to accessing memory?

# Name:         getElement
# Description: Gets the value at the specified coordinates in the puzzle.
# Arguments: a0 The x-coordinate
# a1 The y-coordinate
# a2 The size n
# Returns: The element at array[n * row + col]


addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_24
sw $ra, 16($sp)
sw $s3, 12($sp)
sw $s2, 8($sp)
sw $s1, 4($sp)
sw $s0, 0($sp)

move $s0, $a2 # store n
move $s1, $a0 # store row
move $s2, $a1 # store col
la $s3, puzzle # get address of array

mul $t0, $s0, $s1 # n * row
add $t1, $t0, $s2 # (n * row) + col
sll $t1, $t1, 2
add $s3, $s3, $t1
lw $v0, 0($s3)

lw $ra, 16($sp)
lw $s3, 12($sp)
lw $s2, 8($sp)
lw $s1, 4($sp)
lw $s0, 0($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_24
jr $ra

# Name: printTop
# Description: Prints the top of each "row" for a given cell in a row.
# Ex:
# +---+
# top -> |##|
# |##|
# |##|
# +---+
# Arguments: a0 The array containing the cells in the puzzle
# a1 The size n
# a2 The current row
# Returns: Nothing


addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_20
sw $ra, 12($sp)
sw $s2, 8($sp)
sw $s1, 4($sp)
sw $s0, 0($sp)

move $s0, $a0
move $s1, $a1
move $s2, $a2
li $t1, 0 # col = 0

j top_loop


beq $t1, $s1, top_done

move $a0, $s2
move $a1, $t1
move $a2, $s1
jal getElement

# if empty
beq $v0, $zero, t_empty


# print " |"
la $a0, empty

addi $t1, $t1, 1

j top_loop


lw $ra, 12($sp)
lw $s2, 8($sp)
lw $s1, 4($sp)
lw $s0, 0($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_20
jr $ra

Edit: I've been tinkering around with some of the code and got it very close I think to working. I subtracted the size n by 1 before going on in printTop and changed beq $t1, $s1, top_done to bgt $t1, $s1, top_done and now the output I get is this:

| | |

Which is great! Except I was also just testing with a call to printTop directly in main, so when I actually run it in a loop I get this:

| | |
| |

So for some reason for the second row it only prints one cell, but it looks like I'm no longer accessing nonexistent memory. Any ideas as to what the cause of this is?

share|improve this question


    I'm trying to represent a 2D puzzle as a 1D array. Currently, I'm trying to test having a simple 2x2 puzzle with empty cells. In MIPS, this is defined as the following:

    .word 0, 0, 0, 0

    For the test, this should be what I get as output:

    | | |

    But, this is what I get:

    | | | |
    Error #16: Attempt to use nonexistent memory

    Fault address: 004000d0

    Register contents:

    $zero: 00000000 $at: 00000000 $v0: 00000004 $v1: 00000000
    $a0: 00000000 $a1: 00000015 $a2: 00000002 $a3: 00000000
    $t0: 00000000 $t1: 00000054 $t2: 00000000 $t3: 00000000
    $t4: 00000000 $t5: 00000000 $t6: 00000000 $t7: 00000000
    $s0: 00000002 $s1: 00000000 $s2: 00000015 $s3: 10000054
    $s4: 00000000 $s5: 00000000 $s6: 00000000 $s7: 00000000
    $t8: 00000000 $t9: 00000000 $k0: 00000000 $k1: 00000000
    $gp: 00000000 $sp: 7fffeac8 $fp: 00000000 $ra: 00400188
    pc: 004000d4 hi: 00000000 lo: 00000000

    Current instruction: 8e620000 (at 004000d0)

    Decoded instruction: lw $v0, 0($s3) (0x10000054)

    I already spent time stepping through the debugger and keeping track of the registers by hand, but I am stumped as to where the issue in memory is. The instruction it lists is when I read the memory in getElement, but I'm not sure how I could be accessing memory I shouldn't. I was wondering if anyone noticed anything off with getElement or printTop in regards to accessing memory?

    # Name:         getElement
    # Description: Gets the value at the specified coordinates in the puzzle.
    # Arguments: a0 The x-coordinate
    # a1 The y-coordinate
    # a2 The size n
    # Returns: The element at array[n * row + col]


    addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_24
    sw $ra, 16($sp)
    sw $s3, 12($sp)
    sw $s2, 8($sp)
    sw $s1, 4($sp)
    sw $s0, 0($sp)

    move $s0, $a2 # store n
    move $s1, $a0 # store row
    move $s2, $a1 # store col
    la $s3, puzzle # get address of array

    mul $t0, $s0, $s1 # n * row
    add $t1, $t0, $s2 # (n * row) + col
    sll $t1, $t1, 2
    add $s3, $s3, $t1
    lw $v0, 0($s3)

    lw $ra, 16($sp)
    lw $s3, 12($sp)
    lw $s2, 8($sp)
    lw $s1, 4($sp)
    lw $s0, 0($sp)
    addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_24
    jr $ra

    # Name: printTop
    # Description: Prints the top of each "row" for a given cell in a row.
    # Ex:
    # +---+
    # top -> |##|
    # |##|
    # |##|
    # +---+
    # Arguments: a0 The array containing the cells in the puzzle
    # a1 The size n
    # a2 The current row
    # Returns: Nothing


    addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_20
    sw $ra, 12($sp)
    sw $s2, 8($sp)
    sw $s1, 4($sp)
    sw $s0, 0($sp)

    move $s0, $a0
    move $s1, $a1
    move $s2, $a2
    li $t1, 0 # col = 0

    j top_loop


    beq $t1, $s1, top_done

    move $a0, $s2
    move $a1, $t1
    move $a2, $s1
    jal getElement

    # if empty
    beq $v0, $zero, t_empty


    # print " |"
    li $v0, PRINT_STRING
    la $a0, empty

    addi $t1, $t1, 1

    j top_loop


    lw $ra, 12($sp)
    lw $s2, 8($sp)
    lw $s1, 4($sp)
    lw $s0, 0($sp)
    addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_20
    jr $ra

    Edit: I've been tinkering around with some of the code and got it very close I think to working. I subtracted the size n by 1 before going on in printTop and changed beq $t1, $s1, top_done to bgt $t1, $s1, top_done and now the output I get is this:

    | | |

    Which is great! Except I was also just testing with a call to printTop directly in main, so when I actually run it in a loop I get this:

    | | |
    | |

    So for some reason for the second row it only prints one cell, but it looks like I'm no longer accessing nonexistent memory. Any ideas as to what the cause of this is?

    share|improve this question




      I'm trying to represent a 2D puzzle as a 1D array. Currently, I'm trying to test having a simple 2x2 puzzle with empty cells. In MIPS, this is defined as the following:

      .word 0, 0, 0, 0

      For the test, this should be what I get as output:

      | | |

      But, this is what I get:

      | | | |
      Error #16: Attempt to use nonexistent memory

      Fault address: 004000d0

      Register contents:

      $zero: 00000000 $at: 00000000 $v0: 00000004 $v1: 00000000
      $a0: 00000000 $a1: 00000015 $a2: 00000002 $a3: 00000000
      $t0: 00000000 $t1: 00000054 $t2: 00000000 $t3: 00000000
      $t4: 00000000 $t5: 00000000 $t6: 00000000 $t7: 00000000
      $s0: 00000002 $s1: 00000000 $s2: 00000015 $s3: 10000054
      $s4: 00000000 $s5: 00000000 $s6: 00000000 $s7: 00000000
      $t8: 00000000 $t9: 00000000 $k0: 00000000 $k1: 00000000
      $gp: 00000000 $sp: 7fffeac8 $fp: 00000000 $ra: 00400188
      pc: 004000d4 hi: 00000000 lo: 00000000

      Current instruction: 8e620000 (at 004000d0)

      Decoded instruction: lw $v0, 0($s3) (0x10000054)

      I already spent time stepping through the debugger and keeping track of the registers by hand, but I am stumped as to where the issue in memory is. The instruction it lists is when I read the memory in getElement, but I'm not sure how I could be accessing memory I shouldn't. I was wondering if anyone noticed anything off with getElement or printTop in regards to accessing memory?

      # Name:         getElement
      # Description: Gets the value at the specified coordinates in the puzzle.
      # Arguments: a0 The x-coordinate
      # a1 The y-coordinate
      # a2 The size n
      # Returns: The element at array[n * row + col]


      addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_24
      sw $ra, 16($sp)
      sw $s3, 12($sp)
      sw $s2, 8($sp)
      sw $s1, 4($sp)
      sw $s0, 0($sp)

      move $s0, $a2 # store n
      move $s1, $a0 # store row
      move $s2, $a1 # store col
      la $s3, puzzle # get address of array

      mul $t0, $s0, $s1 # n * row
      add $t1, $t0, $s2 # (n * row) + col
      sll $t1, $t1, 2
      add $s3, $s3, $t1
      lw $v0, 0($s3)

      lw $ra, 16($sp)
      lw $s3, 12($sp)
      lw $s2, 8($sp)
      lw $s1, 4($sp)
      lw $s0, 0($sp)
      addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_24
      jr $ra

      # Name: printTop
      # Description: Prints the top of each "row" for a given cell in a row.
      # Ex:
      # +---+
      # top -> |##|
      # |##|
      # |##|
      # +---+
      # Arguments: a0 The array containing the cells in the puzzle
      # a1 The size n
      # a2 The current row
      # Returns: Nothing


      addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_20
      sw $ra, 12($sp)
      sw $s2, 8($sp)
      sw $s1, 4($sp)
      sw $s0, 0($sp)

      move $s0, $a0
      move $s1, $a1
      move $s2, $a2
      li $t1, 0 # col = 0

      j top_loop


      beq $t1, $s1, top_done

      move $a0, $s2
      move $a1, $t1
      move $a2, $s1
      jal getElement

      # if empty
      beq $v0, $zero, t_empty


      # print " |"
      li $v0, PRINT_STRING
      la $a0, empty

      addi $t1, $t1, 1

      j top_loop


      lw $ra, 12($sp)
      lw $s2, 8($sp)
      lw $s1, 4($sp)
      lw $s0, 0($sp)
      addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_20
      jr $ra

      Edit: I've been tinkering around with some of the code and got it very close I think to working. I subtracted the size n by 1 before going on in printTop and changed beq $t1, $s1, top_done to bgt $t1, $s1, top_done and now the output I get is this:

      | | |

      Which is great! Except I was also just testing with a call to printTop directly in main, so when I actually run it in a loop I get this:

      | | |
      | |

      So for some reason for the second row it only prints one cell, but it looks like I'm no longer accessing nonexistent memory. Any ideas as to what the cause of this is?

      share|improve this question

      I'm trying to represent a 2D puzzle as a 1D array. Currently, I'm trying to test having a simple 2x2 puzzle with empty cells. In MIPS, this is defined as the following:

      .word 0, 0, 0, 0

      For the test, this should be what I get as output:

      | | |

      But, this is what I get:

      | | | |
      Error #16: Attempt to use nonexistent memory

      Fault address: 004000d0

      Register contents:

      $zero: 00000000 $at: 00000000 $v0: 00000004 $v1: 00000000
      $a0: 00000000 $a1: 00000015 $a2: 00000002 $a3: 00000000
      $t0: 00000000 $t1: 00000054 $t2: 00000000 $t3: 00000000
      $t4: 00000000 $t5: 00000000 $t6: 00000000 $t7: 00000000
      $s0: 00000002 $s1: 00000000 $s2: 00000015 $s3: 10000054
      $s4: 00000000 $s5: 00000000 $s6: 00000000 $s7: 00000000
      $t8: 00000000 $t9: 00000000 $k0: 00000000 $k1: 00000000
      $gp: 00000000 $sp: 7fffeac8 $fp: 00000000 $ra: 00400188
      pc: 004000d4 hi: 00000000 lo: 00000000

      Current instruction: 8e620000 (at 004000d0)

      Decoded instruction: lw $v0, 0($s3) (0x10000054)

      I already spent time stepping through the debugger and keeping track of the registers by hand, but I am stumped as to where the issue in memory is. The instruction it lists is when I read the memory in getElement, but I'm not sure how I could be accessing memory I shouldn't. I was wondering if anyone noticed anything off with getElement or printTop in regards to accessing memory?

      # Name:         getElement
      # Description: Gets the value at the specified coordinates in the puzzle.
      # Arguments: a0 The x-coordinate
      # a1 The y-coordinate
      # a2 The size n
      # Returns: The element at array[n * row + col]


      addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_24
      sw $ra, 16($sp)
      sw $s3, 12($sp)
      sw $s2, 8($sp)
      sw $s1, 4($sp)
      sw $s0, 0($sp)

      move $s0, $a2 # store n
      move $s1, $a0 # store row
      move $s2, $a1 # store col
      la $s3, puzzle # get address of array

      mul $t0, $s0, $s1 # n * row
      add $t1, $t0, $s2 # (n * row) + col
      sll $t1, $t1, 2
      add $s3, $s3, $t1
      lw $v0, 0($s3)

      lw $ra, 16($sp)
      lw $s3, 12($sp)
      lw $s2, 8($sp)
      lw $s1, 4($sp)
      lw $s0, 0($sp)
      addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_24
      jr $ra

      # Name: printTop
      # Description: Prints the top of each "row" for a given cell in a row.
      # Ex:
      # +---+
      # top -> |##|
      # |##|
      # |##|
      # +---+
      # Arguments: a0 The array containing the cells in the puzzle
      # a1 The size n
      # a2 The current row
      # Returns: Nothing


      addi $sp, $sp, -FRAMESIZE_20
      sw $ra, 12($sp)
      sw $s2, 8($sp)
      sw $s1, 4($sp)
      sw $s0, 0($sp)

      move $s0, $a0
      move $s1, $a1
      move $s2, $a2
      li $t1, 0 # col = 0

      j top_loop


      beq $t1, $s1, top_done

      move $a0, $s2
      move $a1, $t1
      move $a2, $s1
      jal getElement

      # if empty
      beq $v0, $zero, t_empty


      # print " |"
      li $v0, PRINT_STRING
      la $a0, empty

      addi $t1, $t1, 1

      j top_loop


      lw $ra, 12($sp)
      lw $s2, 8($sp)
      lw $s1, 4($sp)
      lw $s0, 0($sp)
      addi $sp, $sp, FRAMESIZE_20
      jr $ra

      Edit: I've been tinkering around with some of the code and got it very close I think to working. I subtracted the size n by 1 before going on in printTop and changed beq $t1, $s1, top_done to bgt $t1, $s1, top_done and now the output I get is this:

      | | |

      Which is great! Except I was also just testing with a call to printTop directly in main, so when I actually run it in a loop I get this:

      | | |
      | |

      So for some reason for the second row it only prints one cell, but it looks like I'm no longer accessing nonexistent memory. Any ideas as to what the cause of this is?

      mips memory-address

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 20 '18 at 3:27


      asked Nov 20 '18 at 1:37




          1 Answer





          Looking at the register dump:

          $s0: 00000002   $s1: 00000000   $s2: 00000015   $s3: 10000054

          s2 looks suspect as its supposed to be the column - I would expect 0 or 1.
          a1, where it is set from is same value, and is being set from t1 in printTop

          and although t1 looks ok incrementing in printToo for col, it isn't saved but the register is also used in getElement

          So the one line cause of the issue is t1 is being used in multiple functions for multiple reasons.

          share|improve this answer

          • I feel so dumb. I changed the code back to what it was before and just substituted the t registers used within getElement for s registers and now it works fine. Thank you so much for the help! For future reference, when should I be using s registers vs t registers? Would it be bad practice to just use all of one over the other? Like I tried to use the t registers for when I did operations, but it clearly led to issues.

            – 70ny
            Nov 20 '18 at 18:40

          • See… for t vs s registers

            – lostbard
            Nov 20 '18 at 20:25

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          Looking at the register dump:

          $s0: 00000002   $s1: 00000000   $s2: 00000015   $s3: 10000054

          s2 looks suspect as its supposed to be the column - I would expect 0 or 1.
          a1, where it is set from is same value, and is being set from t1 in printTop

          and although t1 looks ok incrementing in printToo for col, it isn't saved but the register is also used in getElement

          So the one line cause of the issue is t1 is being used in multiple functions for multiple reasons.

          share|improve this answer

          • I feel so dumb. I changed the code back to what it was before and just substituted the t registers used within getElement for s registers and now it works fine. Thank you so much for the help! For future reference, when should I be using s registers vs t registers? Would it be bad practice to just use all of one over the other? Like I tried to use the t registers for when I did operations, but it clearly led to issues.

            – 70ny
            Nov 20 '18 at 18:40

          • See… for t vs s registers

            – lostbard
            Nov 20 '18 at 20:25


          Looking at the register dump:

          $s0: 00000002   $s1: 00000000   $s2: 00000015   $s3: 10000054

          s2 looks suspect as its supposed to be the column - I would expect 0 or 1.
          a1, where it is set from is same value, and is being set from t1 in printTop

          and although t1 looks ok incrementing in printToo for col, it isn't saved but the register is also used in getElement

          So the one line cause of the issue is t1 is being used in multiple functions for multiple reasons.

          share|improve this answer

          • I feel so dumb. I changed the code back to what it was before and just substituted the t registers used within getElement for s registers and now it works fine. Thank you so much for the help! For future reference, when should I be using s registers vs t registers? Would it be bad practice to just use all of one over the other? Like I tried to use the t registers for when I did operations, but it clearly led to issues.

            – 70ny
            Nov 20 '18 at 18:40

          • See… for t vs s registers

            – lostbard
            Nov 20 '18 at 20:25




          Looking at the register dump:

          $s0: 00000002   $s1: 00000000   $s2: 00000015   $s3: 10000054

          s2 looks suspect as its supposed to be the column - I would expect 0 or 1.
          a1, where it is set from is same value, and is being set from t1 in printTop

          and although t1 looks ok incrementing in printToo for col, it isn't saved but the register is also used in getElement

          So the one line cause of the issue is t1 is being used in multiple functions for multiple reasons.

          share|improve this answer

          Looking at the register dump:

          $s0: 00000002   $s1: 00000000   $s2: 00000015   $s3: 10000054

          s2 looks suspect as its supposed to be the column - I would expect 0 or 1.
          a1, where it is set from is same value, and is being set from t1 in printTop

          and although t1 looks ok incrementing in printToo for col, it isn't saved but the register is also used in getElement

          So the one line cause of the issue is t1 is being used in multiple functions for multiple reasons.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Nov 20 '18 at 17:42




          • I feel so dumb. I changed the code back to what it was before and just substituted the t registers used within getElement for s registers and now it works fine. Thank you so much for the help! For future reference, when should I be using s registers vs t registers? Would it be bad practice to just use all of one over the other? Like I tried to use the t registers for when I did operations, but it clearly led to issues.

            – 70ny
            Nov 20 '18 at 18:40

          • See… for t vs s registers

            – lostbard
            Nov 20 '18 at 20:25

          • I feel so dumb. I changed the code back to what it was before and just substituted the t registers used within getElement for s registers and now it works fine. Thank you so much for the help! For future reference, when should I be using s registers vs t registers? Would it be bad practice to just use all of one over the other? Like I tried to use the t registers for when I did operations, but it clearly led to issues.

            – 70ny
            Nov 20 '18 at 18:40

          • See… for t vs s registers

            – lostbard
            Nov 20 '18 at 20:25

          I feel so dumb. I changed the code back to what it was before and just substituted the t registers used within getElement for s registers and now it works fine. Thank you so much for the help! For future reference, when should I be using s registers vs t registers? Would it be bad practice to just use all of one over the other? Like I tried to use the t registers for when I did operations, but it clearly led to issues.

          – 70ny
          Nov 20 '18 at 18:40

          I feel so dumb. I changed the code back to what it was before and just substituted the t registers used within getElement for s registers and now it works fine. Thank you so much for the help! For future reference, when should I be using s registers vs t registers? Would it be bad practice to just use all of one over the other? Like I tried to use the t registers for when I did operations, but it clearly led to issues.

          – 70ny
          Nov 20 '18 at 18:40

          See… for t vs s registers

          – lostbard
          Nov 20 '18 at 20:25

          See… for t vs s registers

          – lostbard
          Nov 20 '18 at 20:25

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          Tangent Lines Diagram Along Smooth Curve

          Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud
