UICollectionViewCell shifts out of UICollectionView bounds when editing UITextField


I have a horizontal UICollectionView with 5 UICollectionViewCells that are the width of the screen. On one of my cells I have a few textfields that I would like to be editable, but when I display the soft-keyboard to edit the UITextview that cell shifts upward for editing but it is now "stuck" at its shifted position instead of the original position I set it at.

I have also noticed that the other cells do not get effected by this, so I at least know it's not the entire UICollectionView.

NOTE: I apologize for any misused verbiage, I can't attach images yet to help illustrate the issue.

link to screen recording

My code is as follows:

import Foundation
import UIKit

class ProfilePageCell: CVBaseCell {

var profile_ImageVw = UIImageView()
var profile_Img = UIImage()
var email_TxtField = UITextField()
var address_TxtField = UITextField()
var name_TxtField = UITextField()
var location_TxtField = UITextField()
var displayName_TxtField = UITextField()
var email_Lbl = UILabel()
var address_Lbl = UILabel()
var name_Lbl = UILabel()
var location_Lbl = UILabel()
var displayName_Lbl = UILabel()
var txtField_array:[UITextField] =
var label_array:[UILabel] =
var view_Array:[UIView] =
var vw_height = CGFloat()
var vw_width = CGFloat()
var scrollVw = UIScrollView()

override func setupViews(){

vw_width = self.frame.width
vw_height = self.frame.height
scrollVw.keyboardDismissMode = .interactive

let fade = CAGradientLayer()
fade.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
fade.colors = [Custom_Colors.color_1.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_2.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_3.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_4.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_5.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor]
fade.locations = [0,0.20,0.40,0.75,0.90, 1]
txtField_array = [email_TxtField,address_TxtField, location_TxtField,name_TxtField,location_TxtField,displayName_TxtField]
label_array = [email_Lbl,address_Lbl,location_Lbl,name_Lbl,displayName_Lbl]

scrollVw.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
scrollVw.isScrollEnabled = true
scrollVw.contentSize = CGSize(width: vw_width, height: vw_height*4)

profile_ImageVw.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/2-(vw_width/6), y: vw_width/5, width: vw_width/3, height: vw_width/3)
profile_ImageVw.clipsToBounds = true
profile_ImageVw.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
profile_ImageVw.alpha = 0.5
profile_Img = UIImage(named: "profile_btn_icon")!

profile_ImageVw.image = profile_Img

profile_ImageVw.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
profile_ImageVw.layer.cornerRadius = 60
email_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/40, y: vw_height/3, width: vw_width*0.70, height: vw_height/20)

email_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
email_TxtField.placeholder = "email@domain.com"

address_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.placeholder = "123 Street Address"

location_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.placeholder = "City, State"
name_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.placeholder = "First Last"
displayName_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: displayName_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.placeholder = "YourDisplayName001"
email_Lbl.text = "Email:"
address_Lbl.text = "Address:"
location_Lbl.text = "Location:"
name_Lbl.text = "Name:"
displayName_Lbl.text = "Display Name:"

for i in 0..<label_array.count{
label_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Bold, size: email_Lbl.frame.height/2)
label_array[i].textColor = Custom_Colors.color_gray_compliment
for i in 0..<txtField_array.count{

txtField_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Regular, size: txtField_array[i].frame.height*0.40)
txtField_array[i].isEnabled = true
txtField_array[i].layer.cornerRadius = 10
txtField_array[i].backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.5)
txtField_array[i].isUserInteractionEnabled = true

for i in 0..<view_Array.count{

@objc func keyboardWillChange(notification: Notification){
print (notification.name.rawValue)
guard let keyboardFrame = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue else {
var keyboardHeight: CGFloat
keyboardHeight = keyboardFrame.cgRectValue.height




share|improve this question

  • Did you change tableView frame or inset when the keyboard appear? If so you have to manually set it back when the keyboard disappears

    – Linh Ta
    Nov 19 '18 at 2:29

  • @LinhTa No, I haven't changed the insets manually.

    – iGotQuestions
    Nov 20 '18 at 4:45


I have a horizontal UICollectionView with 5 UICollectionViewCells that are the width of the screen. On one of my cells I have a few textfields that I would like to be editable, but when I display the soft-keyboard to edit the UITextview that cell shifts upward for editing but it is now "stuck" at its shifted position instead of the original position I set it at.

I have also noticed that the other cells do not get effected by this, so I at least know it's not the entire UICollectionView.

NOTE: I apologize for any misused verbiage, I can't attach images yet to help illustrate the issue.

link to screen recording

My code is as follows:

import Foundation
import UIKit

class ProfilePageCell: CVBaseCell {

var profile_ImageVw = UIImageView()
var profile_Img = UIImage()
var email_TxtField = UITextField()
var address_TxtField = UITextField()
var name_TxtField = UITextField()
var location_TxtField = UITextField()
var displayName_TxtField = UITextField()
var email_Lbl = UILabel()
var address_Lbl = UILabel()
var name_Lbl = UILabel()
var location_Lbl = UILabel()
var displayName_Lbl = UILabel()
var txtField_array:[UITextField] =
var label_array:[UILabel] =
var view_Array:[UIView] =
var vw_height = CGFloat()
var vw_width = CGFloat()
var scrollVw = UIScrollView()

override func setupViews(){

vw_width = self.frame.width
vw_height = self.frame.height
scrollVw.keyboardDismissMode = .interactive

let fade = CAGradientLayer()
fade.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
fade.colors = [Custom_Colors.color_1.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_2.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_3.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_4.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_5.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor]
fade.locations = [0,0.20,0.40,0.75,0.90, 1]
txtField_array = [email_TxtField,address_TxtField, location_TxtField,name_TxtField,location_TxtField,displayName_TxtField]
label_array = [email_Lbl,address_Lbl,location_Lbl,name_Lbl,displayName_Lbl]

scrollVw.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
scrollVw.isScrollEnabled = true
scrollVw.contentSize = CGSize(width: vw_width, height: vw_height*4)

profile_ImageVw.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/2-(vw_width/6), y: vw_width/5, width: vw_width/3, height: vw_width/3)
profile_ImageVw.clipsToBounds = true
profile_ImageVw.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
profile_ImageVw.alpha = 0.5
profile_Img = UIImage(named: "profile_btn_icon")!

profile_ImageVw.image = profile_Img

profile_ImageVw.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
profile_ImageVw.layer.cornerRadius = 60
email_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/40, y: vw_height/3, width: vw_width*0.70, height: vw_height/20)

email_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
email_TxtField.placeholder = "email@domain.com"

address_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.placeholder = "123 Street Address"

location_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.placeholder = "City, State"
name_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.placeholder = "First Last"
displayName_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: displayName_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.placeholder = "YourDisplayName001"
email_Lbl.text = "Email:"
address_Lbl.text = "Address:"
location_Lbl.text = "Location:"
name_Lbl.text = "Name:"
displayName_Lbl.text = "Display Name:"

for i in 0..<label_array.count{
label_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Bold, size: email_Lbl.frame.height/2)
label_array[i].textColor = Custom_Colors.color_gray_compliment
for i in 0..<txtField_array.count{

txtField_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Regular, size: txtField_array[i].frame.height*0.40)
txtField_array[i].isEnabled = true
txtField_array[i].layer.cornerRadius = 10
txtField_array[i].backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.5)
txtField_array[i].isUserInteractionEnabled = true

for i in 0..<view_Array.count{

@objc func keyboardWillChange(notification: Notification){
print (notification.name.rawValue)
guard let keyboardFrame = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue else {
var keyboardHeight: CGFloat
keyboardHeight = keyboardFrame.cgRectValue.height




share|improve this question

  • Did you change tableView frame or inset when the keyboard appear? If so you have to manually set it back when the keyboard disappears

    – Linh Ta
    Nov 19 '18 at 2:29

  • @LinhTa No, I haven't changed the insets manually.

    – iGotQuestions
    Nov 20 '18 at 4:45




I have a horizontal UICollectionView with 5 UICollectionViewCells that are the width of the screen. On one of my cells I have a few textfields that I would like to be editable, but when I display the soft-keyboard to edit the UITextview that cell shifts upward for editing but it is now "stuck" at its shifted position instead of the original position I set it at.

I have also noticed that the other cells do not get effected by this, so I at least know it's not the entire UICollectionView.

NOTE: I apologize for any misused verbiage, I can't attach images yet to help illustrate the issue.

link to screen recording

My code is as follows:

import Foundation
import UIKit

class ProfilePageCell: CVBaseCell {

var profile_ImageVw = UIImageView()
var profile_Img = UIImage()
var email_TxtField = UITextField()
var address_TxtField = UITextField()
var name_TxtField = UITextField()
var location_TxtField = UITextField()
var displayName_TxtField = UITextField()
var email_Lbl = UILabel()
var address_Lbl = UILabel()
var name_Lbl = UILabel()
var location_Lbl = UILabel()
var displayName_Lbl = UILabel()
var txtField_array:[UITextField] =
var label_array:[UILabel] =
var view_Array:[UIView] =
var vw_height = CGFloat()
var vw_width = CGFloat()
var scrollVw = UIScrollView()

override func setupViews(){

vw_width = self.frame.width
vw_height = self.frame.height
scrollVw.keyboardDismissMode = .interactive

let fade = CAGradientLayer()
fade.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
fade.colors = [Custom_Colors.color_1.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_2.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_3.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_4.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_5.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor]
fade.locations = [0,0.20,0.40,0.75,0.90, 1]
txtField_array = [email_TxtField,address_TxtField, location_TxtField,name_TxtField,location_TxtField,displayName_TxtField]
label_array = [email_Lbl,address_Lbl,location_Lbl,name_Lbl,displayName_Lbl]

scrollVw.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
scrollVw.isScrollEnabled = true
scrollVw.contentSize = CGSize(width: vw_width, height: vw_height*4)

profile_ImageVw.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/2-(vw_width/6), y: vw_width/5, width: vw_width/3, height: vw_width/3)
profile_ImageVw.clipsToBounds = true
profile_ImageVw.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
profile_ImageVw.alpha = 0.5
profile_Img = UIImage(named: "profile_btn_icon")!

profile_ImageVw.image = profile_Img

profile_ImageVw.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
profile_ImageVw.layer.cornerRadius = 60
email_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/40, y: vw_height/3, width: vw_width*0.70, height: vw_height/20)

email_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
email_TxtField.placeholder = "email@domain.com"

address_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.placeholder = "123 Street Address"

location_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.placeholder = "City, State"
name_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.placeholder = "First Last"
displayName_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: displayName_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.placeholder = "YourDisplayName001"
email_Lbl.text = "Email:"
address_Lbl.text = "Address:"
location_Lbl.text = "Location:"
name_Lbl.text = "Name:"
displayName_Lbl.text = "Display Name:"

for i in 0..<label_array.count{
label_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Bold, size: email_Lbl.frame.height/2)
label_array[i].textColor = Custom_Colors.color_gray_compliment
for i in 0..<txtField_array.count{

txtField_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Regular, size: txtField_array[i].frame.height*0.40)
txtField_array[i].isEnabled = true
txtField_array[i].layer.cornerRadius = 10
txtField_array[i].backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.5)
txtField_array[i].isUserInteractionEnabled = true

for i in 0..<view_Array.count{

@objc func keyboardWillChange(notification: Notification){
print (notification.name.rawValue)
guard let keyboardFrame = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue else {
var keyboardHeight: CGFloat
keyboardHeight = keyboardFrame.cgRectValue.height




share|improve this question

I have a horizontal UICollectionView with 5 UICollectionViewCells that are the width of the screen. On one of my cells I have a few textfields that I would like to be editable, but when I display the soft-keyboard to edit the UITextview that cell shifts upward for editing but it is now "stuck" at its shifted position instead of the original position I set it at.

I have also noticed that the other cells do not get effected by this, so I at least know it's not the entire UICollectionView.

NOTE: I apologize for any misused verbiage, I can't attach images yet to help illustrate the issue.

link to screen recording

My code is as follows:

import Foundation
import UIKit

class ProfilePageCell: CVBaseCell {

var profile_ImageVw = UIImageView()
var profile_Img = UIImage()
var email_TxtField = UITextField()
var address_TxtField = UITextField()
var name_TxtField = UITextField()
var location_TxtField = UITextField()
var displayName_TxtField = UITextField()
var email_Lbl = UILabel()
var address_Lbl = UILabel()
var name_Lbl = UILabel()
var location_Lbl = UILabel()
var displayName_Lbl = UILabel()
var txtField_array:[UITextField] =
var label_array:[UILabel] =
var view_Array:[UIView] =
var vw_height = CGFloat()
var vw_width = CGFloat()
var scrollVw = UIScrollView()

override func setupViews(){

vw_width = self.frame.width
vw_height = self.frame.height
scrollVw.keyboardDismissMode = .interactive

let fade = CAGradientLayer()
fade.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
fade.colors = [Custom_Colors.color_1.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_2.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_3.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_4.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor, Custom_Colors.color_5.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor]
fade.locations = [0,0.20,0.40,0.75,0.90, 1]
txtField_array = [email_TxtField,address_TxtField, location_TxtField,name_TxtField,location_TxtField,displayName_TxtField]
label_array = [email_Lbl,address_Lbl,location_Lbl,name_Lbl,displayName_Lbl]

scrollVw.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: vw_width, height: vw_height)
scrollVw.isScrollEnabled = true
scrollVw.contentSize = CGSize(width: vw_width, height: vw_height*4)

profile_ImageVw.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/2-(vw_width/6), y: vw_width/5, width: vw_width/3, height: vw_width/3)
profile_ImageVw.clipsToBounds = true
profile_ImageVw.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
profile_ImageVw.alpha = 0.5
profile_Img = UIImage(named: "profile_btn_icon")!

profile_ImageVw.image = profile_Img

profile_ImageVw.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
profile_ImageVw.layer.cornerRadius = 60
email_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: vw_width/40, y: vw_height/3, width: vw_width*0.70, height: vw_height/20)

email_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
email_TxtField.placeholder = "email@domain.com"

address_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: email_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
address_TxtField.placeholder = "123 Street Address"

location_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: address_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
location_TxtField.placeholder = "City, State"
name_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: location_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
name_TxtField.placeholder = "First Last"
displayName_Lbl.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: name_TxtField.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.frame = CGRect(x: email_Lbl.frame.minX, y: displayName_Lbl.frame.maxY, width: email_Lbl.frame.width, height: email_Lbl.frame.height)
displayName_TxtField.placeholder = "YourDisplayName001"
email_Lbl.text = "Email:"
address_Lbl.text = "Address:"
location_Lbl.text = "Location:"
name_Lbl.text = "Name:"
displayName_Lbl.text = "Display Name:"

for i in 0..<label_array.count{
label_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Bold, size: email_Lbl.frame.height/2)
label_array[i].textColor = Custom_Colors.color_gray_compliment
for i in 0..<txtField_array.count{

txtField_array[i].font = UIFont(name: Custom_Fonts.Google_ProductSans_Regular, size: txtField_array[i].frame.height*0.40)
txtField_array[i].isEnabled = true
txtField_array[i].layer.cornerRadius = 10
txtField_array[i].backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.5)
txtField_array[i].isUserInteractionEnabled = true

for i in 0..<view_Array.count{

@objc func keyboardWillChange(notification: Notification){
print (notification.name.rawValue)
guard let keyboardFrame = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue else {
var keyboardHeight: CGFloat
keyboardHeight = keyboardFrame.cgRectValue.height




swift uitextview uicollectionviewcell soft-keyboard

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 17 '18 at 7:16




asked Nov 17 '18 at 5:21




  • Did you change tableView frame or inset when the keyboard appear? If so you have to manually set it back when the keyboard disappears

    – Linh Ta
    Nov 19 '18 at 2:29

  • @LinhTa No, I haven't changed the insets manually.

    – iGotQuestions
    Nov 20 '18 at 4:45

  • Did you change tableView frame or inset when the keyboard appear? If so you have to manually set it back when the keyboard disappears

    – Linh Ta
    Nov 19 '18 at 2:29

  • @LinhTa No, I haven't changed the insets manually.

    – iGotQuestions
    Nov 20 '18 at 4:45

Did you change tableView frame or inset when the keyboard appear? If so you have to manually set it back when the keyboard disappears

– Linh Ta
Nov 19 '18 at 2:29

Did you change tableView frame or inset when the keyboard appear? If so you have to manually set it back when the keyboard disappears

– Linh Ta
Nov 19 '18 at 2:29

@LinhTa No, I haven't changed the insets manually.

– iGotQuestions
Nov 20 '18 at 4:45

@LinhTa No, I haven't changed the insets manually.

– iGotQuestions
Nov 20 '18 at 4:45

1 Answer





You have two options:

1) use a third party library to take care of all your views where a keyboard might appear. Take a look at IQKeyboardManager.

2) add a top constraint to your containerView and do smth like this:

func keyboardWillShow(_ n: Notification) {

let keyboardFrame = (n.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as AnyObject).cgRectValue ?? CGRect.zero
let passFrame = self.view.convert(textField1.frame, from: textField1.superview)
if keyboardFrame.intersects(passFrame) {

let diff = passFrame.maxY - keyboardFrame.origin.y;

self.topSpaceConstraint.constant -= (diff + 10);

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

func keyboardWillHide(_ n: Notification) {
self.topSpaceConstraint.constant = 94

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

Take note that you will need to know which textField is currently edited, so if the keyboard frame does pass beyond the frame of it, your view should be pushed upwards.

As usual subscribe to UIKeyboardWillShow and UIKeyboardWillHide notifications for this to work.

I will suggest going with first option, it's much elegant and works great :]

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer











    You have two options:

    1) use a third party library to take care of all your views where a keyboard might appear. Take a look at IQKeyboardManager.

    2) add a top constraint to your containerView and do smth like this:

    func keyboardWillShow(_ n: Notification) {

    let keyboardFrame = (n.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as AnyObject).cgRectValue ?? CGRect.zero
    let passFrame = self.view.convert(textField1.frame, from: textField1.superview)
    if keyboardFrame.intersects(passFrame) {

    let diff = passFrame.maxY - keyboardFrame.origin.y;

    self.topSpaceConstraint.constant -= (diff + 10);

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

    func keyboardWillHide(_ n: Notification) {
    self.topSpaceConstraint.constant = 94

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

    Take note that you will need to know which textField is currently edited, so if the keyboard frame does pass beyond the frame of it, your view should be pushed upwards.

    As usual subscribe to UIKeyboardWillShow and UIKeyboardWillHide notifications for this to work.

    I will suggest going with first option, it's much elegant and works great :]

    share|improve this answer


      You have two options:

      1) use a third party library to take care of all your views where a keyboard might appear. Take a look at IQKeyboardManager.

      2) add a top constraint to your containerView and do smth like this:

      func keyboardWillShow(_ n: Notification) {

      let keyboardFrame = (n.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as AnyObject).cgRectValue ?? CGRect.zero
      let passFrame = self.view.convert(textField1.frame, from: textField1.superview)
      if keyboardFrame.intersects(passFrame) {

      let diff = passFrame.maxY - keyboardFrame.origin.y;

      self.topSpaceConstraint.constant -= (diff + 10);

      UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

      func keyboardWillHide(_ n: Notification) {
      self.topSpaceConstraint.constant = 94

      UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

      Take note that you will need to know which textField is currently edited, so if the keyboard frame does pass beyond the frame of it, your view should be pushed upwards.

      As usual subscribe to UIKeyboardWillShow and UIKeyboardWillHide notifications for this to work.

      I will suggest going with first option, it's much elegant and works great :]

      share|improve this answer




        You have two options:

        1) use a third party library to take care of all your views where a keyboard might appear. Take a look at IQKeyboardManager.

        2) add a top constraint to your containerView and do smth like this:

        func keyboardWillShow(_ n: Notification) {

        let keyboardFrame = (n.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as AnyObject).cgRectValue ?? CGRect.zero
        let passFrame = self.view.convert(textField1.frame, from: textField1.superview)
        if keyboardFrame.intersects(passFrame) {

        let diff = passFrame.maxY - keyboardFrame.origin.y;

        self.topSpaceConstraint.constant -= (diff + 10);

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

        func keyboardWillHide(_ n: Notification) {
        self.topSpaceConstraint.constant = 94

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

        Take note that you will need to know which textField is currently edited, so if the keyboard frame does pass beyond the frame of it, your view should be pushed upwards.

        As usual subscribe to UIKeyboardWillShow and UIKeyboardWillHide notifications for this to work.

        I will suggest going with first option, it's much elegant and works great :]

        share|improve this answer

        You have two options:

        1) use a third party library to take care of all your views where a keyboard might appear. Take a look at IQKeyboardManager.

        2) add a top constraint to your containerView and do smth like this:

        func keyboardWillShow(_ n: Notification) {

        let keyboardFrame = (n.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as AnyObject).cgRectValue ?? CGRect.zero
        let passFrame = self.view.convert(textField1.frame, from: textField1.superview)
        if keyboardFrame.intersects(passFrame) {

        let diff = passFrame.maxY - keyboardFrame.origin.y;

        self.topSpaceConstraint.constant -= (diff + 10);

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

        func keyboardWillHide(_ n: Notification) {
        self.topSpaceConstraint.constant = 94

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {

        Take note that you will need to know which textField is currently edited, so if the keyboard frame does pass beyond the frame of it, your view should be pushed upwards.

        As usual subscribe to UIKeyboardWillShow and UIKeyboardWillHide notifications for this to work.

        I will suggest going with first option, it's much elegant and works great :]

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Nov 21 '18 at 22:47

        answered Nov 19 '18 at 16:59

        Deryck LucianDeryck Lucian



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