ElementTree parse xml file - problem with parsing
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I have a problem parsing data from xml file. I'm using xml.etree.ElementTree to extract data from files and then save them into .csv. I have all the necessery modules installed on server.
I am aware that there is bs4 module with BeutifulSoup, yet I would like to know if is possible to parse this data/xml file using ElementTree. Sorry if the answear is easy or obvious, yet I'm still very much a beginner and with this problem I could not name the problem in a way to find an answear.
While running python script written below I have no errors and no outcome. I don't really know what should I change. I can not find solution. I tried using different child.tag or attributes but with no result.
The xml file that I have problem with.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
and script that I tried to use (here to extract code_on_card, price net, quantity).
(I am aware that there are two childs: stock and quantity, and I'm completely fine with the second one overwrting the first one)
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/file.xml'
xml = ET.parse(xml_path)
with open('/home/file.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
for product in xml.iter('product'):
product_id = product.attrib["code_on_card"]
for child in product:
if child.tag == 'price':
if child.attrib["net"] != None:
hurt_net = child.attrib["net"]
for size in product.iter('size'):
for stock in size.iter('stock'):
if 'quantity' in stock.attrib.keys():
quantity = stock.attrib["quantity"]
line = product_id, hurt_net, quantity
Files that seem to me to be built on similar scheme work just fine (offer -> product ->child/attrib ), like this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.5">
<product id="2">
<price gross="0.00" net="0.00" vat="23.0"/>
<srp gross="0.00" net="0" vat="23.0"/>
<size id="0" code="2-0" weight="0" >
Outcome should be .csv file containing multpile rows (each for each product in xml file) of code_on_card, price net, quantity. It should look like:
code as it is, after drec4s answear:
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/pobrane/beal2.xml'
root = ET.parse(xml_path)
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
with open('/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/stany_magazynowe/karol/bealKa.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
hurtownia = 'beal'
for product in root.iter('product'):
qtt = [1]
code = product.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = product.find('price').get('net')
for stock in product.find('sizes').find('size').getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt)
line = 'beal-'+str(code), hurt_net, quantity
somehow I'm getting
AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
I've got Ele
python parsing elementtree
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up vote
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I have a problem parsing data from xml file. I'm using xml.etree.ElementTree to extract data from files and then save them into .csv. I have all the necessery modules installed on server.
I am aware that there is bs4 module with BeutifulSoup, yet I would like to know if is possible to parse this data/xml file using ElementTree. Sorry if the answear is easy or obvious, yet I'm still very much a beginner and with this problem I could not name the problem in a way to find an answear.
While running python script written below I have no errors and no outcome. I don't really know what should I change. I can not find solution. I tried using different child.tag or attributes but with no result.
The xml file that I have problem with.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
and script that I tried to use (here to extract code_on_card, price net, quantity).
(I am aware that there are two childs: stock and quantity, and I'm completely fine with the second one overwrting the first one)
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/file.xml'
xml = ET.parse(xml_path)
with open('/home/file.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
for product in xml.iter('product'):
product_id = product.attrib["code_on_card"]
for child in product:
if child.tag == 'price':
if child.attrib["net"] != None:
hurt_net = child.attrib["net"]
for size in product.iter('size'):
for stock in size.iter('stock'):
if 'quantity' in stock.attrib.keys():
quantity = stock.attrib["quantity"]
line = product_id, hurt_net, quantity
Files that seem to me to be built on similar scheme work just fine (offer -> product ->child/attrib ), like this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.5">
<product id="2">
<price gross="0.00" net="0.00" vat="23.0"/>
<srp gross="0.00" net="0" vat="23.0"/>
<size id="0" code="2-0" weight="0" >
Outcome should be .csv file containing multpile rows (each for each product in xml file) of code_on_card, price net, quantity. It should look like:
code as it is, after drec4s answear:
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/pobrane/beal2.xml'
root = ET.parse(xml_path)
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
with open('/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/stany_magazynowe/karol/bealKa.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
hurtownia = 'beal'
for product in root.iter('product'):
qtt = [1]
code = product.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = product.find('price').get('net')
for stock in product.find('sizes').find('size').getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt)
line = 'beal-'+str(code), hurt_net, quantity
somehow I'm getting
AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
I've got Ele
python parsing elementtree
It's because of the default namespace (see here on how to parse XML with namespaces). It would also be helpful if you added an example of what your output should look like.
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:22
Another thing that would be helpful is code that will run as-is (see stackoverflow.com/help/mcve).
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:25
default namespace - I think thats it - need time to bite into it.
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 0:23
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up vote
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up vote
down vote
I have a problem parsing data from xml file. I'm using xml.etree.ElementTree to extract data from files and then save them into .csv. I have all the necessery modules installed on server.
I am aware that there is bs4 module with BeutifulSoup, yet I would like to know if is possible to parse this data/xml file using ElementTree. Sorry if the answear is easy or obvious, yet I'm still very much a beginner and with this problem I could not name the problem in a way to find an answear.
While running python script written below I have no errors and no outcome. I don't really know what should I change. I can not find solution. I tried using different child.tag or attributes but with no result.
The xml file that I have problem with.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
and script that I tried to use (here to extract code_on_card, price net, quantity).
(I am aware that there are two childs: stock and quantity, and I'm completely fine with the second one overwrting the first one)
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/file.xml'
xml = ET.parse(xml_path)
with open('/home/file.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
for product in xml.iter('product'):
product_id = product.attrib["code_on_card"]
for child in product:
if child.tag == 'price':
if child.attrib["net"] != None:
hurt_net = child.attrib["net"]
for size in product.iter('size'):
for stock in size.iter('stock'):
if 'quantity' in stock.attrib.keys():
quantity = stock.attrib["quantity"]
line = product_id, hurt_net, quantity
Files that seem to me to be built on similar scheme work just fine (offer -> product ->child/attrib ), like this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.5">
<product id="2">
<price gross="0.00" net="0.00" vat="23.0"/>
<srp gross="0.00" net="0" vat="23.0"/>
<size id="0" code="2-0" weight="0" >
Outcome should be .csv file containing multpile rows (each for each product in xml file) of code_on_card, price net, quantity. It should look like:
code as it is, after drec4s answear:
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/pobrane/beal2.xml'
root = ET.parse(xml_path)
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
with open('/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/stany_magazynowe/karol/bealKa.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
hurtownia = 'beal'
for product in root.iter('product'):
qtt = [1]
code = product.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = product.find('price').get('net')
for stock in product.find('sizes').find('size').getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt)
line = 'beal-'+str(code), hurt_net, quantity
somehow I'm getting
AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
I've got Ele
python parsing elementtree
I have a problem parsing data from xml file. I'm using xml.etree.ElementTree to extract data from files and then save them into .csv. I have all the necessery modules installed on server.
I am aware that there is bs4 module with BeutifulSoup, yet I would like to know if is possible to parse this data/xml file using ElementTree. Sorry if the answear is easy or obvious, yet I'm still very much a beginner and with this problem I could not name the problem in a way to find an answear.
While running python script written below I have no errors and no outcome. I don't really know what should I change. I can not find solution. I tried using different child.tag or attributes but with no result.
The xml file that I have problem with.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
and script that I tried to use (here to extract code_on_card, price net, quantity).
(I am aware that there are two childs: stock and quantity, and I'm completely fine with the second one overwrting the first one)
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/file.xml'
xml = ET.parse(xml_path)
with open('/home/file.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
for product in xml.iter('product'):
product_id = product.attrib["code_on_card"]
for child in product:
if child.tag == 'price':
if child.attrib["net"] != None:
hurt_net = child.attrib["net"]
for size in product.iter('size'):
for stock in size.iter('stock'):
if 'quantity' in stock.attrib.keys():
quantity = stock.attrib["quantity"]
line = product_id, hurt_net, quantity
Files that seem to me to be built on similar scheme work just fine (offer -> product ->child/attrib ), like this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.5">
<product id="2">
<price gross="0.00" net="0.00" vat="23.0"/>
<srp gross="0.00" net="0" vat="23.0"/>
<size id="0" code="2-0" weight="0" >
Outcome should be .csv file containing multpile rows (each for each product in xml file) of code_on_card, price net, quantity. It should look like:
code as it is, after drec4s answear:
import requests
import os,sys
import csv
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
xml_path = '/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/pobrane/beal2.xml'
root = ET.parse(xml_path)
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
with open('/home/platne/serwer16373/dane/z_hurtowni/stany_magazynowe/karol/bealKa.csv', 'wb') as f:
c = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
hurtownia = 'beal'
for product in root.iter('product'):
qtt = [1]
code = product.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = product.find('price').get('net')
for stock in product.find('sizes').find('size').getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt)
line = 'beal-'+str(code), hurt_net, quantity
somehow I'm getting
AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
I've got Ele
python parsing elementtree
python parsing elementtree
edited Nov 8 at 2:14
asked Nov 7 at 22:41
Rafae Rafad
It's because of the default namespace (see here on how to parse XML with namespaces). It would also be helpful if you added an example of what your output should look like.
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:22
Another thing that would be helpful is code that will run as-is (see stackoverflow.com/help/mcve).
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:25
default namespace - I think thats it - need time to bite into it.
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 0:23
add a comment |
It's because of the default namespace (see here on how to parse XML with namespaces). It would also be helpful if you added an example of what your output should look like.
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:22
Another thing that would be helpful is code that will run as-is (see stackoverflow.com/help/mcve).
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:25
default namespace - I think thats it - need time to bite into it.
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 0:23
It's because of the default namespace (see here on how to parse XML with namespaces). It would also be helpful if you added an example of what your output should look like.
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:22
It's because of the default namespace (see here on how to parse XML with namespaces). It would also be helpful if you added an example of what your output should look like.
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:22
Another thing that would be helpful is code that will run as-is (see stackoverflow.com/help/mcve).
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:25
Another thing that would be helpful is code that will run as-is (see stackoverflow.com/help/mcve).
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:25
default namespace - I think thats it - need time to bite into it.
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 0:23
default namespace - I think thats it - need time to bite into it.
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 0:23
add a comment |
1 Answer
up vote
down vote
This is how I would go and parse an xml
file with namespaces. As per official documentation, the easiest way is to define a dictionary
specifying the namespace.
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring("""
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
for p in products:
qtt = #to store all stock quantities
product_id = p.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = p.find('offer:price', ns).get('net')
for stock in p.find('offer:sizes', ns).find('offer:size', ns).getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt) #or sum
line = (product_id, hurt_net, quantity)
('BHA', '142.28', 4)
Also, I did not understand what was the stock quantity that you needed to extract, since you were only getting the last children(stock
) value (change the sum
function to max
or to whatever you need).
I think that this is the answear, yet I can't seem to work it out. Somehow i'm getting AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 2:01
add a comment |
1 Answer
1 Answer
up vote
down vote
This is how I would go and parse an xml
file with namespaces. As per official documentation, the easiest way is to define a dictionary
specifying the namespace.
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring("""
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
for p in products:
qtt = #to store all stock quantities
product_id = p.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = p.find('offer:price', ns).get('net')
for stock in p.find('offer:sizes', ns).find('offer:size', ns).getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt) #or sum
line = (product_id, hurt_net, quantity)
('BHA', '142.28', 4)
Also, I did not understand what was the stock quantity that you needed to extract, since you were only getting the last children(stock
) value (change the sum
function to max
or to whatever you need).
I think that this is the answear, yet I can't seem to work it out. Somehow i'm getting AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 2:01
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
This is how I would go and parse an xml
file with namespaces. As per official documentation, the easiest way is to define a dictionary
specifying the namespace.
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring("""
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
for p in products:
qtt = #to store all stock quantities
product_id = p.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = p.find('offer:price', ns).get('net')
for stock in p.find('offer:sizes', ns).find('offer:size', ns).getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt) #or sum
line = (product_id, hurt_net, quantity)
('BHA', '142.28', 4)
Also, I did not understand what was the stock quantity that you needed to extract, since you were only getting the last children(stock
) value (change the sum
function to max
or to whatever you need).
I think that this is the answear, yet I can't seem to work it out. Somehow i'm getting AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 2:01
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
This is how I would go and parse an xml
file with namespaces. As per official documentation, the easiest way is to define a dictionary
specifying the namespace.
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring("""
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
for p in products:
qtt = #to store all stock quantities
product_id = p.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = p.find('offer:price', ns).get('net')
for stock in p.find('offer:sizes', ns).find('offer:size', ns).getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt) #or sum
line = (product_id, hurt_net, quantity)
('BHA', '142.28', 4)
Also, I did not understand what was the stock quantity that you needed to extract, since you were only getting the last children(stock
) value (change the sum
function to max
or to whatever you need).
This is how I would go and parse an xml
file with namespaces. As per official documentation, the easiest way is to define a dictionary
specifying the namespace.
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring("""
<offer file_format="IOF" version="2.6" extensions="yes" xmlns="http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml">
<product id="9" vat="23.0" code_on_card="BHA">
<producer id="1308137276" name="BEAL"/>
<price gross="175" net="142.28"/>
<size code_producer="3700288265272" code="9-uniw" weight="0">
<stock id="0" quantity="-1"/>
<stock id="1" quantity="4"/>
ns = {'offer': 'http://www.iai-shop.com/developers/iof.phtml'}
products = root.getchildren()
for p in products:
qtt = #to store all stock quantities
product_id = p.get('code_on_card')
hurt_net = p.find('offer:price', ns).get('net')
for stock in p.find('offer:sizes', ns).find('offer:size', ns).getchildren():
quantity = max(qtt) #or sum
line = (product_id, hurt_net, quantity)
('BHA', '142.28', 4)
Also, I did not understand what was the stock quantity that you needed to extract, since you were only getting the last children(stock
) value (change the sum
function to max
or to whatever you need).
answered Nov 8 at 0:12
I think that this is the answear, yet I can't seem to work it out. Somehow i'm getting AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 2:01
add a comment |
I think that this is the answear, yet I can't seem to work it out. Somehow i'm getting AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 2:01
I think that this is the answear, yet I can't seem to work it out. Somehow i'm getting AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 2:01
I think that this is the answear, yet I can't seem to work it out. Somehow i'm getting AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 2:01
add a comment |
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It's because of the default namespace (see here on how to parse XML with namespaces). It would also be helpful if you added an example of what your output should look like.
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:22
Another thing that would be helpful is code that will run as-is (see stackoverflow.com/help/mcve).
– Daniel Haley
Nov 7 at 23:25
default namespace - I think thats it - need time to bite into it.
– Rafae Rafad
Nov 8 at 0:23