Disable Angularjs Model Popup scroll bar


First time data load in model popup it not shows a scroll bar inside the model popup.but when i performed the search function after filtered data display then the scroll bar appears inside the model popup.how to fix it `

this is the code that model popu generating 

1. $scope.AddEntity = function () {
templateUrl: 'ngTemplateAddItem',
backdrop: 'static',
controller: [
'$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild, $http, $modalInstance) {
$scopeChild.searchAccont = function () {
templateUrl: 'ngAccountSearch',
backdrop: 'static',
controller: [
'$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild2, $http,
$modalInstance) {
//account search grid
$scopeChild2.gridAccount = {
showFooter: true,
enableSorting: true,
multiSelect: false,
enableRowSelection: true,
enableSelectAll: false,
enableRowHeaderSelection: false,
selectionRowHeaderWidth: 35,
noUnselect: true,
enableGridMenu: true,
columnDefs: [{ field: "ACC_CODE", displayName: "Account Code" },
{ field: "AccountNAME", displayName: "Account Name" },
{ field: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", displayName: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", visible: false },
//{ field: "Currency", displayName: "Currency" },
enableSorting: false,
name: 'Select',
cellTemplate: '<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" ng-click="grid.appScope.selectData(row)"
data-dismiss="modal" >Select</button>'

onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
$scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit = gridApi;
gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scopeChild2, function
(row) {
$scopeChild2.selectedEntitySCEdit = row.entity;
$scopeChild2.selectData = function (row) {
$scopeChild.obj1.ACC_CODE = row.entity.ACC_CODE;
$scopeChild.obj1.AccountNAME = row.entity.AccountNAME;
$scopeChild.obj1.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT = row.entity.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT;
// $scopeChild.obj1.curruncy = row.entity.Currency;

$scopeChild2.ChangeSizeofGridAccount = function () {
var height = $('.ui-grid-row').height();
if (height == 0) {
height = 31;
var PageSize = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
var DataAmount = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data.length;
var length = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
var page = $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit.pagination.getPage();
var divider = parseFloat(DataAmount / length);
if (divider % 1 != 0) {
var a = parseFloat(1 - (divider % 1));
divider = (divider + a);

if (divider == page) {
var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
$("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) +
350 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

$("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height *
remaindataAmount) + 300 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

else {
$("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+50
+ 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

$("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) +
length*30 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

$scopeChild2.searchAccount = function (obj1) {

var searchobj = angular.toJson({ 'obj': obj1 });
var req = {
method: 'POST',
url: gridFactory.AllAccountListURL,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
data: searchobj

$http(req).success(function (data) {
$scopeChild2.gridAccount.data = data;
$scopeChild2.ShowGridAcc = true;

$scopeChild2.cancel = function () {


share|improve this question


    First time data load in model popup it not shows a scroll bar inside the model popup.but when i performed the search function after filtered data display then the scroll bar appears inside the model popup.how to fix it `

    this is the code that model popu generating 

    1. $scope.AddEntity = function () {
    templateUrl: 'ngTemplateAddItem',
    backdrop: 'static',
    controller: [
    '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild, $http, $modalInstance) {
    $scopeChild.searchAccont = function () {
    templateUrl: 'ngAccountSearch',
    backdrop: 'static',
    controller: [
    '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild2, $http,
    $modalInstance) {
    //account search grid
    $scopeChild2.gridAccount = {
    showFooter: true,
    enableSorting: true,
    multiSelect: false,
    enableRowSelection: true,
    enableSelectAll: false,
    enableRowHeaderSelection: false,
    selectionRowHeaderWidth: 35,
    noUnselect: true,
    enableGridMenu: true,
    columnDefs: [{ field: "ACC_CODE", displayName: "Account Code" },
    { field: "AccountNAME", displayName: "Account Name" },
    { field: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", displayName: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", visible: false },
    //{ field: "Currency", displayName: "Currency" },
    enableSorting: false,
    name: 'Select',
    cellTemplate: '<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" ng-click="grid.appScope.selectData(row)"
    data-dismiss="modal" >Select</button>'

    onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
    $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit = gridApi;
    gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scopeChild2, function
    (row) {
    $scopeChild2.selectedEntitySCEdit = row.entity;
    $scopeChild2.selectData = function (row) {
    $scopeChild.obj1.ACC_CODE = row.entity.ACC_CODE;
    $scopeChild.obj1.AccountNAME = row.entity.AccountNAME;
    $scopeChild.obj1.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT = row.entity.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT;
    // $scopeChild.obj1.curruncy = row.entity.Currency;

    $scopeChild2.ChangeSizeofGridAccount = function () {
    var height = $('.ui-grid-row').height();
    if (height == 0) {
    height = 31;
    var PageSize = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
    var DataAmount = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data.length;
    var length = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
    var page = $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit.pagination.getPage();
    var divider = parseFloat(DataAmount / length);
    if (divider % 1 != 0) {
    var a = parseFloat(1 - (divider % 1));
    divider = (divider + a);

    if (divider == page) {
    var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
    $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) +
    350 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

    $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height *
    remaindataAmount) + 300 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

    else {
    $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+50
    + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

    $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) +
    length*30 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

    $scopeChild2.searchAccount = function (obj1) {

    var searchobj = angular.toJson({ 'obj': obj1 });
    var req = {
    method: 'POST',
    url: gridFactory.AllAccountListURL,
    headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
    data: searchobj

    $http(req).success(function (data) {
    $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data = data;
    $scopeChild2.ShowGridAcc = true;

    $scopeChild2.cancel = function () {


    share|improve this question




      First time data load in model popup it not shows a scroll bar inside the model popup.but when i performed the search function after filtered data display then the scroll bar appears inside the model popup.how to fix it `

      this is the code that model popu generating 

      1. $scope.AddEntity = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngTemplateAddItem',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild, $http, $modalInstance) {
      $scopeChild.searchAccont = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngAccountSearch',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild2, $http,
      $modalInstance) {
      //account search grid
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount = {
      showFooter: true,
      enableSorting: true,
      multiSelect: false,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableSelectAll: false,
      enableRowHeaderSelection: false,
      selectionRowHeaderWidth: 35,
      noUnselect: true,
      enableGridMenu: true,
      columnDefs: [{ field: "ACC_CODE", displayName: "Account Code" },
      { field: "AccountNAME", displayName: "Account Name" },
      { field: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", displayName: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", visible: false },
      //{ field: "Currency", displayName: "Currency" },
      enableSorting: false,
      name: 'Select',
      cellTemplate: '<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" ng-click="grid.appScope.selectData(row)"
      data-dismiss="modal" >Select</button>'

      onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
      $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit = gridApi;
      gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scopeChild2, function
      (row) {
      $scopeChild2.selectedEntitySCEdit = row.entity;
      $scopeChild2.selectData = function (row) {
      $scopeChild.obj1.ACC_CODE = row.entity.ACC_CODE;
      $scopeChild.obj1.AccountNAME = row.entity.AccountNAME;
      $scopeChild.obj1.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT = row.entity.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT;
      // $scopeChild.obj1.curruncy = row.entity.Currency;

      $scopeChild2.ChangeSizeofGridAccount = function () {
      var height = $('.ui-grid-row').height();
      if (height == 0) {
      height = 31;
      var PageSize = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var DataAmount = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data.length;
      var length = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var page = $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit.pagination.getPage();
      var divider = parseFloat(DataAmount / length);
      if (divider % 1 != 0) {
      var a = parseFloat(1 - (divider % 1));
      divider = (divider + a);

      if (divider == page) {
      var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) +
      350 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height *
      remaindataAmount) + 300 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      else {
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+50
      + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) +
      length*30 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      $scopeChild2.searchAccount = function (obj1) {

      var searchobj = angular.toJson({ 'obj': obj1 });
      var req = {
      method: 'POST',
      url: gridFactory.AllAccountListURL,
      headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      data: searchobj

      $http(req).success(function (data) {
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data = data;
      $scopeChild2.ShowGridAcc = true;

      $scopeChild2.cancel = function () {


      share|improve this question

      First time data load in model popup it not shows a scroll bar inside the model popup.but when i performed the search function after filtered data display then the scroll bar appears inside the model popup.how to fix it `

      this is the code that model popu generating 

      1. $scope.AddEntity = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngTemplateAddItem',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild, $http, $modalInstance) {
      $scopeChild.searchAccont = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngAccountSearch',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild2, $http,
      $modalInstance) {
      //account search grid
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount = {
      showFooter: true,
      enableSorting: true,
      multiSelect: false,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableSelectAll: false,
      enableRowHeaderSelection: false,
      selectionRowHeaderWidth: 35,
      noUnselect: true,
      enableGridMenu: true,
      columnDefs: [{ field: "ACC_CODE", displayName: "Account Code" },
      { field: "AccountNAME", displayName: "Account Name" },
      { field: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", displayName: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", visible: false },
      //{ field: "Currency", displayName: "Currency" },
      enableSorting: false,
      name: 'Select',
      cellTemplate: '<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" ng-click="grid.appScope.selectData(row)"
      data-dismiss="modal" >Select</button>'

      onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
      $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit = gridApi;
      gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scopeChild2, function
      (row) {
      $scopeChild2.selectedEntitySCEdit = row.entity;
      $scopeChild2.selectData = function (row) {
      $scopeChild.obj1.ACC_CODE = row.entity.ACC_CODE;
      $scopeChild.obj1.AccountNAME = row.entity.AccountNAME;
      $scopeChild.obj1.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT = row.entity.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT;
      // $scopeChild.obj1.curruncy = row.entity.Currency;

      $scopeChild2.ChangeSizeofGridAccount = function () {
      var height = $('.ui-grid-row').height();
      if (height == 0) {
      height = 31;
      var PageSize = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var DataAmount = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data.length;
      var length = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var page = $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit.pagination.getPage();
      var divider = parseFloat(DataAmount / length);
      if (divider % 1 != 0) {
      var a = parseFloat(1 - (divider % 1));
      divider = (divider + a);

      if (divider == page) {
      var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) +
      350 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height *
      remaindataAmount) + 300 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      else {
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+50
      + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) +
      length*30 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      $scopeChild2.searchAccount = function (obj1) {

      var searchobj = angular.toJson({ 'obj': obj1 });
      var req = {
      method: 'POST',
      url: gridFactory.AllAccountListURL,
      headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      data: searchobj

      $http(req).success(function (data) {
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data = data;
      $scopeChild2.ShowGridAcc = true;

      $scopeChild2.cancel = function () {


      this is the code that model popu generating 

      1. $scope.AddEntity = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngTemplateAddItem',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild, $http, $modalInstance) {
      $scopeChild.searchAccont = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngAccountSearch',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild2, $http,
      $modalInstance) {
      //account search grid
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount = {
      showFooter: true,
      enableSorting: true,
      multiSelect: false,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableSelectAll: false,
      enableRowHeaderSelection: false,
      selectionRowHeaderWidth: 35,
      noUnselect: true,
      enableGridMenu: true,
      columnDefs: [{ field: "ACC_CODE", displayName: "Account Code" },
      { field: "AccountNAME", displayName: "Account Name" },
      { field: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", displayName: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", visible: false },
      //{ field: "Currency", displayName: "Currency" },
      enableSorting: false,
      name: 'Select',
      cellTemplate: '<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" ng-click="grid.appScope.selectData(row)"
      data-dismiss="modal" >Select</button>'

      onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
      $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit = gridApi;
      gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scopeChild2, function
      (row) {
      $scopeChild2.selectedEntitySCEdit = row.entity;
      $scopeChild2.selectData = function (row) {
      $scopeChild.obj1.ACC_CODE = row.entity.ACC_CODE;
      $scopeChild.obj1.AccountNAME = row.entity.AccountNAME;
      $scopeChild.obj1.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT = row.entity.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT;
      // $scopeChild.obj1.curruncy = row.entity.Currency;

      $scopeChild2.ChangeSizeofGridAccount = function () {
      var height = $('.ui-grid-row').height();
      if (height == 0) {
      height = 31;
      var PageSize = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var DataAmount = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data.length;
      var length = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var page = $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit.pagination.getPage();
      var divider = parseFloat(DataAmount / length);
      if (divider % 1 != 0) {
      var a = parseFloat(1 - (divider % 1));
      divider = (divider + a);

      if (divider == page) {
      var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) +
      350 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height *
      remaindataAmount) + 300 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      else {
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+50
      + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) +
      length*30 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      $scopeChild2.searchAccount = function (obj1) {

      var searchobj = angular.toJson({ 'obj': obj1 });
      var req = {
      method: 'POST',
      url: gridFactory.AllAccountListURL,
      headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      data: searchobj

      $http(req).success(function (data) {
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data = data;
      $scopeChild2.ShowGridAcc = true;

      $scopeChild2.cancel = function () {

      this is the code that model popu generating 

      1. $scope.AddEntity = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngTemplateAddItem',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild, $http, $modalInstance) {
      $scopeChild.searchAccont = function () {
      templateUrl: 'ngAccountSearch',
      backdrop: 'static',
      controller: [
      '$scope', '$http', '$modalInstance', function ($scopeChild2, $http,
      $modalInstance) {
      //account search grid
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount = {
      showFooter: true,
      enableSorting: true,
      multiSelect: false,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableSelectAll: false,
      enableRowHeaderSelection: false,
      selectionRowHeaderWidth: 35,
      noUnselect: true,
      enableGridMenu: true,
      columnDefs: [{ field: "ACC_CODE", displayName: "Account Code" },
      { field: "AccountNAME", displayName: "Account Name" },
      { field: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", displayName: "EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT", visible: false },
      //{ field: "Currency", displayName: "Currency" },
      enableSorting: false,
      name: 'Select',
      cellTemplate: '<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" ng-click="grid.appScope.selectData(row)"
      data-dismiss="modal" >Select</button>'

      onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
      $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit = gridApi;
      gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scopeChild2, function
      (row) {
      $scopeChild2.selectedEntitySCEdit = row.entity;
      $scopeChild2.selectData = function (row) {
      $scopeChild.obj1.ACC_CODE = row.entity.ACC_CODE;
      $scopeChild.obj1.AccountNAME = row.entity.AccountNAME;
      $scopeChild.obj1.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT = row.entity.EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT;
      // $scopeChild.obj1.curruncy = row.entity.Currency;

      $scopeChild2.ChangeSizeofGridAccount = function () {
      var height = $('.ui-grid-row').height();
      if (height == 0) {
      height = 31;
      var PageSize = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var DataAmount = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data.length;
      var length = $scopeChild2.gridAccount.paginationPageSize;
      var page = $scopeChild2.gridApiSCEdit.pagination.getPage();
      var divider = parseFloat(DataAmount / length);
      if (divider % 1 != 0) {
      var a = parseFloat(1 - (divider % 1));
      divider = (divider + a);

      if (divider == page) {
      var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) +
      350 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height *
      remaindataAmount) + 300 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      else {
      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+50
      + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) +
      length*30 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

      $scopeChild2.searchAccount = function (obj1) {

      var searchobj = angular.toJson({ 'obj': obj1 });
      var req = {
      method: 'POST',
      url: gridFactory.AllAccountListURL,
      headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      data: searchobj

      $http(req).success(function (data) {
      $scopeChild2.gridAccount.data = data;
      $scopeChild2.ShowGridAcc = true;

      $scopeChild2.cancel = function () {

      javascript angularjs

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Nov 12 '18 at 5:37

      Tharindu Dissanayaka



          2 Answers





          So this I believe this is a CSS thing you are looking for.

          overflow: hidden

          On the modal (I believe you meant modal not model?) will cause a scrollbar to not appear.

          The reason I'm guessing it does not appear at first is because overflow isn't activated (there isn't enough stuff in the modal for a scrollbar to be needed).

          You can see more about the overflow property here with CSS. In particular the try it yourself with an exact example.

          share|improve this answer


            in this case we can fix the issue with expand length of the modal popup by ,but this is not the correct way to do this.So what i had done completely replace the grid for a table now its works find

             if (divider == page) {
            var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
            $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1700 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

            $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1650 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

            else {
            $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+ 4500 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

            $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30 +3450+ 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

            share|improve this answer

              Your Answer

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              2 Answers




              2 Answers











              So this I believe this is a CSS thing you are looking for.

              overflow: hidden

              On the modal (I believe you meant modal not model?) will cause a scrollbar to not appear.

              The reason I'm guessing it does not appear at first is because overflow isn't activated (there isn't enough stuff in the modal for a scrollbar to be needed).

              You can see more about the overflow property here with CSS. In particular the try it yourself with an exact example.

              share|improve this answer


                So this I believe this is a CSS thing you are looking for.

                overflow: hidden

                On the modal (I believe you meant modal not model?) will cause a scrollbar to not appear.

                The reason I'm guessing it does not appear at first is because overflow isn't activated (there isn't enough stuff in the modal for a scrollbar to be needed).

                You can see more about the overflow property here with CSS. In particular the try it yourself with an exact example.

                share|improve this answer




                  So this I believe this is a CSS thing you are looking for.

                  overflow: hidden

                  On the modal (I believe you meant modal not model?) will cause a scrollbar to not appear.

                  The reason I'm guessing it does not appear at first is because overflow isn't activated (there isn't enough stuff in the modal for a scrollbar to be needed).

                  You can see more about the overflow property here with CSS. In particular the try it yourself with an exact example.

                  share|improve this answer

                  So this I believe this is a CSS thing you are looking for.

                  overflow: hidden

                  On the modal (I believe you meant modal not model?) will cause a scrollbar to not appear.

                  The reason I'm guessing it does not appear at first is because overflow isn't activated (there isn't enough stuff in the modal for a scrollbar to be needed).

                  You can see more about the overflow property here with CSS. In particular the try it yourself with an exact example.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Nov 12 '18 at 5:49





                      in this case we can fix the issue with expand length of the modal popup by ,but this is not the correct way to do this.So what i had done completely replace the grid for a table now its works find

                       if (divider == page) {
                      var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
                      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1700 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1650 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                      else {
                      $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+ 4500 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                      $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30 +3450+ 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                      share|improve this answer


                        in this case we can fix the issue with expand length of the modal popup by ,but this is not the correct way to do this.So what i had done completely replace the grid for a table now its works find

                         if (divider == page) {
                        var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
                        $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1700 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                        $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1650 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                        else {
                        $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+ 4500 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                        $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30 +3450+ 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                        share|improve this answer




                          in this case we can fix the issue with expand length of the modal popup by ,but this is not the correct way to do this.So what i had done completely replace the grid for a table now its works find

                           if (divider == page) {
                          var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1700 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1650 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                          else {
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+ 4500 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30 +3450+ 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                          share|improve this answer

                          in this case we can fix the issue with expand length of the modal popup by ,but this is not the correct way to do this.So what i had done completely replace the grid for a table now its works find

                           if (divider == page) {
                          var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1700 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1650 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                          else {
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+ 4500 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30 +3450+ 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                           if (divider == page) {
                          var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1700 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1650 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                          else {
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+ 4500 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30 +3450+ 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                           if (divider == page) {
                          var remaindataAmount = DataAmount - ((page - 1) * length);
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1700 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * remaindataAmount) + 1650 + 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                          else {
                          $("#grid2.ui-grid").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30+ 4500 + 'px', 'min-height': '400px' });

                          $("#grid2.ui-grid-viewport").css({ 'height': (height * length) + length*30 +3450+ 'px', 'min-height': '350px' });

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          answered Nov 15 '18 at 6:14

                          Tharindu Dissanayaka



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